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Cry Wolf

Cry Wolf (1947)

August. 19,1947
| Thriller Mystery

A woman uncovers deadly secrets when she visits her late husband's family.


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Before watching this film, I read the old review by Bosley Crowther. And I quite disagree with his assessment of the film. I quite like this film. But -- and there is a big but here -- you have to approach it understanding that at one time most people believed that insanity could be passed on through the family line, and that it was an established fear that if one person in your family was insane, that others were likely to become insane, as well.For me, there was "menace" in this film from beginning until the climax. It is downright eerie. From the opening scene with the young girl galloping her horse until the murder attempt at the climax, this is a truly dark film.Errol Flynn is excellent as the serious and sophisticated scientist. Barbara Stanwyck also excellent as the secret wife who suspects something is amiss. Richard Basehart -- who does not appear until late in the film -- equally great as the insane member of the family. And, Geraldine Brooks as the ill-fated young lady is quite good, although she was more successful in later years in television than on the big screen.If I have one criticism, it's about the character played by Errol Flynn. Sinister or kind? Romantic or cold? Rather than play the character more subtly, the director seemed to have Flynn jerk from one attitude to another.Nevertheless, I enjoyed this under-appreciated film. Although it hasn't earned a place on my DVD shelf, it's one I'll watch again on TCM...for the third time. :-)

Alonzo Church

Barbara Stanwyck and Errol Flynn in a Gothic mansion type thriller is not at all a bad idea. Casting Errol as the dark/brooding master of the estate, while against type, is also not a bad idea (though his performance is awful wooden -- he would do this kind of role far better in That Forsythe Woman). All the elements for a fun popcorn movie are there -- moody lighting, great sets, evocative music, and Barbara Stanwyck as the feisty lead willing to shimmy down dumb waiters and climb around the scary house's roof in her high heels to find out the truth about the death of her husband.Oh, but that script! It destroys the actor's ability to establish rational charactarizations, because everyone acts like a bunch of idiots. if you are a Barbra Stanwyck fan, you might enjoy this as an example of her ability to make something out of a rather silly role. Otherwise, skip it. You have been warned.


The leads perform admirably, the set is fantastic, and the supporting characters well chosen, but overall, this film tends to fall apart, with its obvious "surprise" twist telegraphed quite early in the film.Obviously influenced by "Jane Eyre," the plot intrigues during the first 45 minutes, but fails to hold onto its mystique.Stanwyck is her usual wonderful self, and Flynn holds his own in a decidedly unusual role, for him. Brooks is a tad much, and Basehart is indeed wasted.Certainly, a film worth watching, but more for the atmosphere than the storyline.


Gothic soap-opera never takes off, despite Stanwyck's strong presence. Exceedingly formulaic script, mediocre direction, and weak supporting actors. Interesting to see Flynn cast so totally against type, playing a cold, controlled, and reserved menacing presence; given his history it almost comes across as a joke - if you didn't know anything about him it would almost be believable.
