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Marnie (1964)

July. 17,1964
| Thriller Crime Mystery Romance

Marnie is a thief, a liar, and a cheat. When her new boss, Mark Rutland, catches on to her routine kleptomania, she finds herself being blackmailed.


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Grace Kelly was all set to star in this movie, when the European Press went bonkers. "A Princess in a movie"? She had to bow out in which Alfred Hitchcock wrote in return, "do not feel bad, it is only a movie". Love Hedren in this, but Kelly was was one fo the absolute greats.


Marnie (1964)Plot In A Paragraph: Mark Rutland (Connery) blackmails Marnie (Tippi Hedren) a thief he has caught in to marrying him and discovers she has serious psychological problems, and tries to help her confront and resolve them.I think this movie and his performance are under rated!! Once again Connery took second billing to a woman, this time Hedren played the title character (in her second and final Hitchcock movie) and she does a good job in a challenging role.Some of it is dated awfully, and some of the supporting cast is not up to standard either, but what Marnie gets right, I think is very good. It's one of those movies where the murder happens at the end of the movie, as an explanation for everything you have just seen. The Honeymoon has you questioning if she will murder Connery before his impulses get the better of him and he actually rapes her!! And there is a scene which is classic Hitchcock. In an empty office building at night, where the screen was split down the middle, with a cleaner in the corridor and the thief opening the safe in the bosses room, what actions are visible at the same time, the audience and on the two people must finally meet. Great suspense.Louise Latham, Martin Gabel and Diane Baker were all first class in the supporting roles too. Hitchcock sadly disliked the movie (rumoured to be because Hedren refused his advances) and said wished he'd cast the role Connery played "with a real gentleman, a more elegant man".Considered a failure at the time of its release, Marnie was the 22nd highest grossing movie of 1964 grossing $7 million at the domestic Box Office.


This movie really can't be classified into one category, such as a straight psychological thriller, a suspense thriller, a detective story, a mystery, a romance, etc. Whereas most Hitchcock movies put less focus on the characters and more focus on the suspense, Marnie puts most of the focus on one character and less focus on the suspense. This movie is highly personal and psychological. This movie stars 'Tippi' Hedren, Sean Connery, Diane Baker, Louise Latham, Mariette Hartley, Martin Gabel, and Alan Napier. Hedren plays the role of Margaret "Marnie" Edgar, a strange woman with psychological problems who is a professional thief, a liar, has multiple identities, and has an intense fear of men, thunderstorms, and even the color red. To sum up the plot in a nutshell, she empties her employer's safe, escapes, and changes her identity and appearance. Sean Connery plays the role of Mark Rutland, owner of a publishing company that Marnie applies for a new job at. Marnie robs him as well. He tracks her down. However, Rutland is infatuated with her. Rather than turning her in to the authorities, he convinces her to marry him, sort of like blackmail. While on their honeymoon, he realizes that she actually has a fear of men and fears intimacy. Frustrated, he gets more aggressive with her, resulting in her attempting suicide. Her intense fear of men is rooted in a traumatic childhood experience she had.Marnie is quite slow to start with, but quickly builds up to many gripping scenes. Sean Connery was currently in 1964 considered as 'hot property'in the film industry for his role as James Bond, and in Marnie his 007 character is still there in the background for all to see. Connery's performance is simply excellent and it is hard to imagine any other actor playing this part. Tippi Hedren of course, being the leading star, performs excellently and manages her role with great imagination. One aspect of older films that I've never liked much is the melodramatic music, which to me feels like the aural equivalent of purple prose, underlining and explaining every emotion. I'd guess that it's a holdover from silent cinema, when the lack of recorded sound meant a pianist in the auditorium had to provide the emotional cues. It's telling that Marnie's most suspenseful scene, with two women in a business office, one a safe-cracker, the other a cleaner, has no music. Although the search for love, approval and an attempt at emotional closure makes Marnie different from other Hitchcock films, it is still very "Hitchcock" and well worth viewing.Overall rating: 9 out of 10.


Sean Connery who plays Mark Rutland is a successful businessman whose bloodstock is from a very wealthy family and whose father lives on a vast estate with a stable of exquisite riding horses becomes smitten with an attractive woman named Marnie Edgar played by actress Tippi Hendren. Marnie has numerous aliases and a knack for stealing from her (new) employers then quickly changes aliases and hair colors and moves on to the next city to commence her next plot to steal from her new employer.Sir Thomas Sean Connery was 34 years old when he starred in Marnie so he definitely was in the prime of his virile actors life having just completed the first two of a long line of the legendary James Bond films that would greatly add to his stardom but not solely define him as a lead actor. Sean Connery is an amazing actor who stands tall right up there with the likes of great overseas actors such as Sir Anthony Hopkins and Sir Michael Caine. A lesser actor such as Adam West who is known mainly for his role as televisions campy but loving Batman role, or Lorne Greene for his lengthy TV role in Bonanza as Pa Cartwright became typecast and subsequently found it difficult to acquire lead roles in other film genres than the single role that they played for years for a grateful audience.I make this comparison of prolific film/TV characters because there are few roles that when you state a film characters stage name such as "James Bond" the first name that comes to peoples tongues invariably is Sean Connery. Being the versatile and larger than life actor that he is Sean Connery crossed most film genres and assisted his film producers in always seemingly grossing higher than expected box office gates due to his starring in their films. Marnie is no exception. If not for Sean Connery's strong portrayal of a very handsome, wealthy and successful businessman he somehow falls in love with a very troubled Marnie whose past is a big question mark, and her inability to show any affection to the virile Mark Rutland must have had every female in the audience saying "what the heck is wrong with Marnie?" Throughout the film the battle between Marnie the thief and psychologically troubled woman, and Jack who still agrees to hire her knowing that she is a thief, challenges each other to resolve their issues. Jack because he most likely loves this troubled woman but also because he wants to understand why she is a thief and a liar, and Marnie who continually resists Jack's offer of assistance and sexual advances. Hitchcock must have pushed both actors hard to get out of them their superb performances that we the audience benefit from. I was most impressed with the films ending where many of the unknown issues that have affected Marnie throughout her young life are drawn to the surface and although Marnie most likely has some challenges ahead of her she has gratefully now accepted Jack's assistance and we can see there is light that this relationship between the strong and aggressive Jack and the troubled Marnie with mother issues will grow fruitfully. It is too bad that Hitchcock did not follow up with a sequel to Marnie to see how Marnie and Jack's relationship evolved over the subsequent years, but great actors such as Sean Connery already had one film role, namely James Bond, that continued over decades so maybe he chose not to renew his role as Mark Rutland.Hitchcok's (1964) Marnie is a classic film that may be be considered just a bit too deep a plot and too slow moving for the CGI starved action oriented James Bond audience of today, but I for one love these classic Hitchcock films that will certainly endure for many, many years to come. I give the film an 8 out of 10 rating and it is well worth an evenings entertainment so sit back and enjoy Marnie.
