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Death Falls Lightly

Death Falls Lightly (1972)

January. 01,1972
| Thriller Mystery

A drug trafficker discovers his wife dead with her throat cut. He has no alibi so he takes his mistress to an abandoned hotel. As they become claustrophobic, the panicked criminal discovers more murders, one after another until strangers appear in the night and a sinister web of lies and secrets escalate out of control.


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Ultra-obscure giallo involving a man in a lot of trouble. He returns home one night after working away to find that his wife has been murdered. Due to the nature of his job, he does not go to the police but instead goes to his lawyer, who arranges for him to be set up in an abandoned hotel while they try and establish an alibi.You see, our man here is a drug courier and has no alibi because he was up to no good, stayed well out of the road of people, and cannot rely on anyone to say he was out of town when his wife was killed because his associates cannot reveal themselves. The lawyer knows this as he's just as corrupt as anyone else, and has to find out who really killed the guy's wife, although I didn't really work out why they kept the guy alive instead of just shooting him.So, the guy ends up locked in an abandoned hotel with his mistress and at first it's all 'hey, let's watch a porno and get it on' but soon they are bickering and fighting with each other. Things go from bad to worse when it turns out that someone else is in the hotel with them, then things goes completely off the deep end when someone gets murdered in the hotel and our poor guy has to help dispose of the body! What's going on then?At first it seems like we're in for a very long, boring film with two people trapped in a hotel arguing and having flashbacks but soon things get very surreal with even our poor guying shouting "What's happened to reality?" while a strange sexy lady has a bath in a bare room while a monkey plays on a perch in the background, loud parties reveal themselves to be recordings, and weird hippy types outside spout absolute nonsense that I guess is supposed to be some sort of comment on the state of Italy in the early seventies.Also strange is that we often get to hear people's thoughts. Not just the protagonist, but everyone, and usually it's some bizarre comment on someone they've just met. You'll be scratching your head so much you'll have a groove in it by the time things are explained so absurdly you'd think they were just making the thing up as they went along.Yet it's for these very reasons that this one is worth tracking down. There's little nudity and blood, but enough daftness to keep you going. Good lighting effects too - in a hotel where there's seemingly no electricity, you still get to see what's going on, which can sometimes be the downfall of any horror film.


A drug trafficker's wife has been murdered. He has no alibi and will certainly be the chief suspect. Trouble is he is connected to various high flyers and they do not want their man implicated so they hide him and his mistress temporarily in a deserted hotel. Soon, strangers appear in the night and bizarre events begin to escalate out of control.Well this one sure qualifies as one of the more obscure gialli out there. It has an odd feel to it that can best be described as surreal and off-kilter. I think the setting has something to do with it. Most of the movie is set within the confines of the hotel. This ensures that there is a claustrophobic feel to this giallo. Almost everything seems to happen in the dead of night and there is an impressively consistent dream-like tone to proceedings once the strange events get underway. An elderly man matter-of-factly asks for assistance in disposing of the body of his wife who he has just murdered for a trivial reason; there is a strange room where a girl bathes alongside a monkey; enigmatic women drift through the corridors of the hotel and say ambiguous things. The movie really gets going once these strange hotel guests start appearing and I think its this whole dream-like section in the dead of night in an abandoned hotel that mark this giallo out as a little distinctive from its peers. Of additional note is the theme tune which is a blues-rock number – it's not exactly normal to have the likes of that score one of these flicks – it only adds to the oddball feel to this one. Unusual stuff on the whole, which is a good thing of course.


A man returns to Mila from an out-of-town trip to find his wife brutally murdered. Realizing he doesn't have a decent alibi, he doesn't call the cops, but immediately goes to see his lawyer. It turns out that, via the lawyer, he is connected to powerful corrupt men and is helping them traffic drugs. Since it isn't in anybody's interest that the man get arrested, the lawyer puts him up in an eerie, old and nearly abandoned hotel, although he is quite annoyed that his client insists on bringing his sexy young mistress (Patrizia Viotti)along with him. Immediately strange things begin to happen in the hotel: strange music is played at odd hours, the man stumbles upon the elderly owner of the hotel who has apparently just killed HIS wife and needs help burying her, and the owners' strange but attractive daughter keeps trying to seduce him. Perhaps the old hotel is haunted, or maybe someone is trying the beleaguered murder suspect crazy? I'd recommend this giallo to giallo fans. Everybody else may be a little put off by the bizarre beginning and the rather ridiculous plot twists at the end. Hardcore giallo fans, however, will no doubt eat this kind of absurdity up and ask for seconds. This is not a great giallo by any means. The acting is generally pretty poor, but the sexy Patrizia Viotti will probably make an impression (on male viewers at least). Viotti played Barbara Bouchet's murdered lesbian lover in the giallo classic "Amuck", but she was understandably overshadowed in that one by Bouchet and Rosalba Neri. This is her show all the way though, and while she's certainly no Meryl Streep acting-wise, she does get nice and naked several times. The music by Mark Sigis Porter is also, uh, interesting. The title song is basically a bad Jimi Hendrix imitation, but, god knows, there are far worse people to badly imitate than Hendrix.Casual viewers may want to pass on this, but giallo fans should definitely seek it out


This is a pretty slow going thriller which is absolutely not a giallo. The story is very boring and there is absolutely no gore no black glove killer. The plot is absurd and unengaged and sometimes stupid. I am a giallo fan who watch 70 giallos total, some good , some bad, but this is maybe the worst so called giallo I have ever seen(I still doubt it is a giallo) I am sincerely suggest all euro shock and giallo fans there is no need to track this trash down, believe me it is not worth it, you could save 75 minus of your life. This film definitely not a good example of my favorite genre-giallo. 1 star because no lower grade at IMDb.
