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Naach (2004)

November. 12,2004
| Drama Music Romance

A struggling middle-class couple is trying to adjust to life in modern-day Bombay, but the unexpected appearance of someone changes things completely.


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Peter Young

Not much to say about Naach. It is an endearing story of two strangers who meet each other and learn to know each other through the art of dance. The film is beautifully shot, and the making is inspiring and intelligent. Abhishek and Antara give spirited, restrained and realistic portrayals. The film however is very slow and the development of the story is a bit stretched and long. It doesn't make the film uninteresting, but it significantly reduces its level of appeal and creates some disturbing aspect to it. Nonetheless, Naach is a quality film that perfectly gives expression to the talent and the unique style of Ram Gopal Varma, and it should not be missed. Go for it!


Even if Naach doesn't stand a chance against the other 2004 Diwali releases, in it's own way, Naach is a decent fare. Ram Gopal Varma has again courageously attempted a completely different subject. Cinematography is fantastic, and Antra Mali's dance sequences have been shot brilliantly. I love almost all the songs in this album. The biggest flaw in this movie is that it doesn't really have a story. Even the little paragraph on the back of the DVD cover only describes the characters. The movie just attempts to develop the characters, which it does an excellent job. Antra Mali is coming in way too many films, and she is getting annoying. Abhishek has acted quite well. Ritesh Deshmukh was hard to recognize. He has also performed well.


RGV rocks with Naach. Naach is when two personalities meet - an individualistic and objective artist (dancer), Reva and an ambitious but succumbing actor, Abhinav. Reva wants to stamp her identity in her work. Abhi wants to be famous and rich although he realises that it makes him look foolish. Reva is sure; she is sure that she is right; she is sure that her way is the only way; so she is ready to wait for the world to bow down to her feet. Abhi is insecure. Abhi is pathetically in love with Reva because deep inside he desires to be what Reva is. Reva loves Abhi because he is among the few who know she is right.If you have read Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead then you will find that Reva is a Howard Roark while Abhi is almost a Peter Keating!Naach is a must watch – for its choreography, for its camera, its writing – which is minimalist, and the performance of the actors. The effort RGV puts into making the characters credible is praiseworthy. You will have no problems believing that there are people like these. The movie keeps you restless throughout the movie, an RGV trademark.Some people will go to the theaters for Antara's skin, but the once who have seen enough skin and muscle in their lives will be able to tear through the distorting mesh and enjoy the movie at a higher level.The negative to the movie is its music – not very good music for a musical. The music was experimental, as it should be, but wasn't experimental enough.The humour comes in the form of spoofs and sarcastic takes on Bollywood and it's so called Gurus.This movie does rock.


In most parts a lethally dull venture, Naach is about this dancer/choreographer (Antara Mali) who regards herself as some kind of auteur, beyond the petty commercial compromises that people around her, including her actor beau (Abhishek Bachchan) build their careers on. Nice idea, only it turns out that she has the most howlariously bad concepts about costumes and dance movements, stuff rotten enough to make even the forces behind those ultra-cheap South Indian potboilers squirm in severe embarrassment.The story follows a yawn-inducing predictable pattern...dancer and beau meet and have an affair (yes, sex included)...beau gets success, but she spurns his attempts to help her...beau throws attitude and they walk out on each other...dancer meets a most unlikely director who wants her 'to do what she wants'...incongruous effort bags even more incongruous popularity...beau's attempts to reach out are rebuffed until a climax where he bursts out about how he can't live without her...D-uh end.Actually I didn't really expect this film to be much good. So why did I watch it? Because I have an Antara Mali fetish. She's an actress with IMO sufficient talent to reach grand heights provided she has the opportunity. Alas, her role in the film looks far better on paper than in actual execution, ironic for a film that's supposed to be about an uncompromising character. To give her credit she puts in a game effort, shining well in the few scenes that actually ask of her as an actress. I just wish the movie had been more worthy of her. Abhishek Bachchan also throws in a few good punches, the last scene salvaged somewhat by a simmering turn which pleasantly reminds you of his father.Only recommended if you can sit through humongous piles of dogcrap for the return of a few grains of good moments courtesy the lead actors.
