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The Last Seduction II

The Last Seduction II (1999)

June. 08,1999
| Thriller Crime Romance

Femme fatale con artist Bridget Gregory travels to Barcelona and targets another businessman to scam him of his money while a relentless private investigator tries to track her down.


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If this was named something else, there wouldn't be all the outpouring of negativity. This is never going to be as good as the brilliant original.However, it is still a nasty bit of femme fatale noir and thus enjoyable on it's own. The plot is a bit weak in that supposedly Mike from the first movie has a birth father who is some hugely rich tycoon and he is willing to pay any amount of money to get Bridgit to recant that Mike killed her husband and raped her. He is willing to pay the mysterious "Murphy" to illegally find her, drug her and get her back to New York.Bridgit, as usual blows town when the going gets too hot and flees to Spain. She arrives, looks around for someone to have sex with, meets a nasty guy (well he thinks he is - he is actually quite a pawn because he totally underestimates a beautiful woman and how far she is willing to go to get some money, her way, revenge, or just to screw with him because she is bored).Murphy turns out to be a nasty ruthless woman herself and Bridgit finally gets an almost worthy opponent, however, once again she proves she is willing to go to any length to get her way. Even Murphy reveals that she was shocked at what level of amorality and violence she will use to her purposes.Stop whining that this isn't the original and enjoy it for what it is. People can like the Hannibal Lecter character because he is amoral, but if a female does it they are shocked and appalled? Please!


I rented The Last Seduction II from Blockbuster when it was first released back in 1998 or 1999. I saw Linda Fiorentino on the video box cover so I thought it would be awesome. When I got home and started the movie I was surprised to learn that it was not Fiorentino's face I had seen--it was that of Joan Severance (the likeness is incredible) cast as Bridget Gregory! Initially, I was disappointed but my disappointment quickly evaporated after I heard Severance speak her first line. She had a certain screen presence that had me glued to the TV.In The Last Seduction II, Bridget Gregory (Severance) flees New York City for Barcelona, with Mike's father (Mike was a character in the first film) hiring a bounty hunter (Beth Goddard) to find her. Bridget meets Troy Fenton (Con O'Neill) at a bar in Barcelona and they become lovers. Bridget also schemes to route some of Troy's phone-sex line business profits into her bank account, with the help of a friend in London named Simon.The Last Seduction II has everything: good actors, stylish cinematography and beautiful locations, glamorous wardrobe, eroticism, violence, humor, and more. Severance is very beautiful in this. The Last Seduction II is more upbeat and brighter than the former. Severance even makes smoking look good (not that I am advocating smoking or anything). Severance, O'Neill, and Goddard really make this movie great. None of the actors are present from the first one, but the storyline appears to continue from the end of the first movie. I recommend The Last Seduction II. 10/10


The only seductive element about this twaddle was the title which leads one to hope that the film might have some connection with the original.The connection is there alright in the central character but that's about it. The plot line is pretty well unfathomable and the acting generally wooden. The decision to 'European-ise' the whole thing and import B-list English actors ( who have all been seen in much better things and really need to change their agents) is a disaster. Even a couple of bursts of gratuitous violence are badly done and every character in it lacks any form of credibility. The two female leads flash their stocking tops but still manage to generate no more than a fraction of the eroticism that Linda Fiorentino could have done in the original wearing a heavy overcoat and a ski hat. Suitable only for film students who really want to know what 'awful' really looks like.


Yes, it is chewing gum for the eyes but Joan manages to keep a minimum level of suspense to make it worth watching. Chain smoking prevents her from blowing lines but yet she keeps an air of mystery about the plot. The movie also helps show the new trend of the "smart" female that makes things work in the stereotype male world.The glass ceiling also exits in crime and she wants to break this. Her scam is acceptable but not too believable, especially the bank scene. The best scene is the seduction one where she performs safe sex with the villain who runs a phone- sex 900 service. She manages to reprogram the computer(with C++ no less) and skim profits to her bank account. Yes, it is a B movie but Joan can play more demanding roles in better written film noires and should bear watching. Enjoy this if the ball game is rained out.
