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Oh, Susanna

Oh, Susanna (1936)

August. 19,1936
| Western Romance

Oh, Susanna! is a 1936 American Western musical film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, and Frances Grant. Written by Oliver Drake, the film is about a cowboy who is robbed and then thrown from a train by an escaped murderer who then takes on the cowboy's identity.


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Oh, Susanna! (1936). In this unusual but even more ridiculously far-fetched plot, Gene Autry, would you believe, is wanted for murder? Perhaps Republic boss, Herb Yates, firmly believed that Texas lawmen were not only corrupt but incredibly stupid? Never mind, just sit back and enjoy the fast action. Director Joe Kane even has a couple of speeding cars run over the camera! This time, Smiley Burnette teams up with Earle Hodgins to provide not only comedy relief but acting support for Autry's rather stoic hunted man. And railroad buffs will have a ball at the beginning of the movie when the villain's very obvious double boards a moving train from horseback!


Gene Autry films are often rather strange westerns. That's because in many cases, the film were set in modern times with an odd mixture of the past. So, you might see Gene chasing a pickup truck while on horseback or someone calling the sheriff on the telephone! In this case it's even weirder because Autry plays himself! While no mention is made of his movies, Autry plays a radio and recording star named Gene Autry! Now considering that he had a great voice (better than Roy Rogers' in my opinion) and sang many classics such as "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", making him a famous singer was a case of art imitating life!The film begins with a guy from death row escaping and sneaking onto the train where Autry is traveling for a radio broadcast. The crook bashes Autry over the head, trades clothes and tosses him out the window! Soon, folks recognize the clothes and think Autry is the escaped con and lock him up--and are planning on hanging him! It's only with the help of his two new friends (one includes the old familiar Smiley Burnett) does he escape. However, in the meantime, the crook is posing as Gene and kills a man--so the authorities are looking for both of them! Can Gene manage to prove his innocence? Can he be persuaded to sing a few songs (what do you think?!)? The film is a bit surreal but fun. And, while I never thought I'd say this, but I liked the music a lot. Overall, while not a great B-western, it is unusual and likable...and a bit weird! By the way, Fred Toones is billed as 'Snowflake'. It's a sad and derogatory thing that because he was black he didn't even merit having his name in the credits--just this awful nickname.


An outlaw named Wolf Benson escaping from a posse boards a train from horseback. On the train is radio singing cowboy Gene Autry on the way to an engagement. Benson slugs Gene and changes clothes with him and throws the unconscious Gene off the moving train.Fortunately our singing hero doesn't break his neck from the fall and he gets rescued by a couple of itinerant actors played by Smiley Burnette and Earl Hodgins. From then on it's a merry chase through the west as Gene tries to prove who he is and foil the dastardly plans of the man who's stolen his identity.One of the funnier scenes in the film is when all three of them, Autry, Burnette, and Hodgins are locked up in jail with Autry insisting who he is and one of the deputies saying if you're Gene Autry, I'm Bing Crosby. But the plot situations are forced to say the least and I can't believe the folks out west are such a gang of rubes they don't know Gene Autry.But Gene does get to warble a couple of nice, but forgettable cowboy ballads and he even gets a duet partner in the form of co-star Frances Grant. Unlike Roy Rogers who married his regular co-star Dale Evans and sang many a duet with her, Gene was usually a solo act in the musical department.Strictly for those who love Gene and the singing cowboy genre.


This is a fairly early film from Gene Autrys career.I bought the VHS by air mail.I have to say that the manufacturers have copied from a very battered print.So much so that the film is stated to be 59 minutes in length but in fact is only 53 minutes.I have to say that the fact that it is entertaining is despite not because of the screenplay.The plot hinges on the fact that nobody can recognized Autry and therefore accept that because an escaped murderer has changed clothes with him he is the murderer and vice versa.At the end there is a fight on a moving car which defies logic.However there are the usual quota of songs,although i believe that one or two may be missing.To conclude it will entertain you if you are an enthusiast of Western films.Otherwise you would be better off spending 53minutes digging in the garden.
