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Blaze Starr Goes Nudist

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist (1962)

July. 01,1962
| Drama Romance

Blaze Starr, playing herself, is tired of performing the duties of a star. At a movie theater, she watches an advertisement for the Sunny Palms Lodge, only 30 miles from where she lives. She joins the place and finally can relax and enjoy nature as a newborn nudist. She drives her agent - who is also her fiancé - to distraction by ignoring scheduled "press functions" and spending her weekends at the nudist camp.


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Blaze Starr Goes Nudist (1962) * 1/2 (out of 4) Doris Wishman made a string of nudist pictures to start her career but on this one she managed to bring in a controversial name. Blaze Starr was a burlesque star who gained headlines after having an affair with Louisiana Governor Earl Kemp Long. Their affair would eventually be turned into a movie with Paul Newman.This film here has a pretty simple story as Blaze wants to get away from various issues so she skips in to see a movie, which shows a nearby nudist camp. Blaze decides to become a member herself and for a while she keeps it from her fiancé/agent but soon he wants to know what she's doing all the time.BLAZE STARR GOES NUDIST is a pretty boring picture for a number of reasons but, to be fair, most of these nudist pictures were quite boring. These types of movies were made so that male members could see wall-to-wall nudity and if that's the only thing you're after then there's a lot of it on display here. Thankfully most of the people photographed are good looking so looking them over for 75-minutes isn't a problem.Of course, the main attraction here is Starr who does eventually take her own clothes off. This was obviously the selling point of the picture so fans certainly won't be disappointed. I would also add that she's really not that bad of a performer. Her performance here certainly isn't Oscar worthy but it's a lot better than you typically see in this type of picture.With that said, I'd recommend just jumping around to her nude scenes if that's what you're interested in because the rest of the movie is downright lame and boring.


from the pictures of the film, I think it's a good film. not because it is a good look ,but it's a nudist film.Also, if you look very closely, almost the entire dialog in the film is dubbed and very badly too. In fact, the same company that did much of the dubbing for films in the Godzilla series.Still, the movie is a lot of fun to watch; even though there seems to be so much tedium and is slow moving. The scenery is beautiful and you feel you are seeing what Heaven would look like in 1961. There are some fine looking women who always seem to be carrying around hats, towels, and magazines over the more "controversial" private parts. Also, Davee Decker is quite lovely; even though her voice is dubbed. http://www.nudistonly.com


To me, this movie is really charming as a period piece. Even though Blaze Starr had been, at the time of this movie, an established stripper of national fame, she could hardly be called a movie star. But she was perfect for this movie. She had the ideal lush 50's body, along with the hair, makeup, and clothes (in the few scenes where she's actually wearing clothes). There are a couple of scenes where she's walking (clothed), and we get the full bombshell treatment: chin up, hips swaying, projecting her boobs out, and on high heels, yet! There's a real innocence to this movie; partly, I think, to get it past the censors of the day. Blaze, and all the other naked bodies in this film move about and act as normal as anybody - except, of course, they ARE naked. Which makes it funny to watch at times. And all the frontal nudity is from the waist area and up. But what is refreshing is that even with all the skin, there's none of the overt sexuality that exists just about everywhere today, where every 15 year old Paris Hilton wannabe wears a t-shirt that says 'Porn Star'. The era that this film was shot in may not have been a simpler time, but it makes me wish I'd been around back then. This is by far Doris Wishman's best work. The film flows from one languid scene to the next, with unimportant plot devices thrown in here and there. And Blaze really does have a great body. Most of the other women in the film are decent looking, but when they're in the same scene with Blaze, they seem pedestrian. I could watch Blaze all day. The DVD version of this movie is crisp and clear, with little or no sign of age; the colors are rich and spectacular, a joy to watch.


I never fully realized the pressures of being an actress. The story obviously hit so close to home that Blaze Starr just plays herself. Anyone who feels exhausted and disenchanted with their job or life in general will relate to Blaze's circumstances. The attention paid to the details is astounding. Never has a film stretched the musical montage sequence and make it work so well with the theme. This movie is nearly perfect. The only flaw was that it was too short.
