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Satin Rouge

Satin Rouge (2002)

August. 23,2002
| Drama Music

After the death of her husband, Lilia's life revolves solely around her teenage daughter, Salma. Whilst looking for Salma late one night, Lilia stumbles upon a belly dance cabaret and though initially reserved and taken aback by the culture of the place, Lilia gets consistently drawn back to it. She befriends one of the belly dancers and is encouraged into dancing for the audience. Lilia also starts a romance with one of the cabaret's musicians, who unbeknown to both of them, is also romancing Salma.


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This is the second time I have watched 'Satin rouge', and I thought I would write a short review.The first time I watched the film I became very intrigued about Tunisian culture; at the time I knew virtually nothing about the country. I was surprised to read about how much more liberal the country is compared to other Islamic countries in the Middle East/North Africa. For example the Government actually discourage the wearing of the hijab, and religion in general seems to be a bit more secular. The liberation of women in Islamic-dominated countries is not often seen so I enjoyed that aspect of this film in particular.The main reason why I chose to watch 'Satin rouge' initially is because of the beautiful Hiam Abbass, a seasoned actress, whom I have seen in a fair few films now.I enjoyed the film more after watching the second time. What I love most about it is that there is nothing overly spectacular about it. The plot, the editing, the scenes. But that's what makes it so good as well, because it is simple and that adds a sense of realism. It is a lovely little depiction of Tunisian life and culture.Hiam was the perfect choice as traditional Lilia. It was amazing to see her character transform from a shy, plain widow with a bland and uninteresting life, into a more liberated, confident, expressive and beautiful woman with a new zest for life.Whilst we don't see much depth in some of the supporting characters (including Lilia's daughter), they all complement Lilia's character nicely. I do love the fact that the sexual tryst Lilia has is with her daughter's boyfriend. Adds a bit of sauciness to the story!'Satin rouge' goes against the usual grain of Islamic/Middle Eastern (or in this case, North African!) culture and society and for that, it is definitely a gem for those who appreciate indie cinema.


Satin Rouge is not a film that will grab you and swallow you up. What it is is nothing less than a sweet little story of a very short time in the life of a mother and daughter. The relationship is a bit strained as the father has passed and the mother is still holding on to what once was. While looking for her daughter one evening, as she has become quite strict, she stumbles upon a small cabaret of belly-dancers who proceed to welcome her. She be-friends them and slowly begins to open up. There is a quiet love-triangle involved, and it is all well done.The major strength of Satin Rouge is it's sweetness, as each character is loving and kind, as we wish the world would have more of. The human condition is well exposed. the performances, albeit slight, are fine as well as the casting. Our only concern with the film is its bland storyline that might not have enough to hold the viewer's interest. Those who do will probably be smiling in the end.


All I heard about this film was that it was from Tunisia. Nothing prepared me for a delightful trip into the cabarets and clubs where this ancient art is practiced.Director Raja Amari has created the right atmosphere for this little film that is far better than some multi-million dollar duds. Probably the whole budget of this film would have only bought a couple of props in a Hollywood blockbuster. The story is very sweet. Lilia, played with great charm by Hiyam Abbas, strikes the right note and makes the film work. The relationship between Lilia and Salma, the daughter, is strained. Lilia is not only beautiful, but she's full of life. She discovers the world of dancing with the help of a charming array of down to earth dancers who take her into their realm. They show her how to open up and regain a life that has been cut short by the death of her husband. Lilia transforms herself into our eyes and all we can think is to shout at her to do her thing, enjoy life to the fullest.A very satisfying time at the movies.


"Satin Rouge" is an obscure movie from Tunisia, but well worth a look. The story has Hiyam Abbas as Lilia, a widowed seamstress who breaks out of her shell and joins the glittery world of belly dancing. This movie seems to catch the essence of the dancer, how Middle Eastern society views her, and how she feels about the dance. "Satin Rouge" may not present a complete catalogue of belly dance moves, but what there is one might find very entertaining. On the whole, "Satin Rouge" offers a colorful look into another culture, making for a pleasurable dance.
