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Alien Dawn

Alien Dawn (2012)

August. 06,2012
| Thriller Science Fiction


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Aliens invade the SW USA. They make sounds like 1950s aliens, most specifically, the sounds in War of the Worlds, 1953.Characters named Brad Raybury and Joni Mitchell? Good grief.Soon enough, the story centers on survivors are Marissa, Anders, and Roger, with no resources to speak of, and no plans. They have long arguments about what food is common, and what is not. These folks are pointless. They care more about bickering than about surviving. Later they join up with Sera and Tiffany.This is a tough one. Should I root for the powerful, effective aliens or the feckless, lame moronic humans? -----Scores------ Cinematography: 2/10 Some of it is bad; much of the rest is really bad. The found footage parts were as atrocious as expected.Sound: 2/10 Terrible. Leveling was done by someone who hates audiences.Acting: 0/10 Terrible. All the performances. All the characters are unlikeable. There are too many absurd arguments about ridiculous non-issues. If one is going to have a mostly eastern European cast, why not film in eastern Europe to save money? Screenplay: 0/10 Very stupid dialog. Rips off War of the Worlds and Skyline rather openly. The depictions of ultimate stupidity (Woman asks for water. Man forces a cup of bleach down her throat. Man gets excited; does not know why the woman is suddenly in acute distress.) were fairly convincing. How are such lame, incompetent people to make any progress against the aliens? Cell phones work during this invasion? Not for long. The military hands out heavy weapons to civilians? Nope.SFX: 0/10 Incredibly bad. One of the worst jobs I have ever seen, beginning to end.

Joel Waite

Expecting a crappy movie to watch - as mindless background noise - I was happily surprised. Think 'made for Sy-Fy' and you'll know what to expect. The CGI is cheap, but not as bad as expected. It seemed to me be a cheap knock-off of 'Cloverfield' mixed with 'War of the Worlds'.I think the big gripe people have with this was the lack of big-battle drama. Instead we have a small group of people just trying to survive. The acting and dialog unfortunately is so real that it's annoying - lots of frantic yelling at each other in confusion and desperation.Actually, other than the obvious low budget, this was not that bad - give it a chance.I rate it at least 4.0


Up till now, the accepted gold standard for the worst film ever made has been Plan Nine from Outer Space, directed by the incomparable Ed Wood.But I'm here to tell you all that Neil Johnson has surpassed Mr. Wood with his Sci-Fi epic, Alien Dawn.I've never posted anything on IMDb before, but I felt that the magnitude of the awfulness of this film had to be addressed.Oh, and the reviewers who gave it 4 and 5 stars? Really? Seriously?One guy even said, "I've seen a LOT worse in the 'War of the Worlds' genre than this."Please! Be serious! Some people rely on this site for guidance when renting movies. I downloaded the thing off the net for free and I STILL feel robbed.


If you want to make your worse enemy suffer, make him (her) watch this piece of cinematographic "art" from start till end. Guaranteed to achieve the wanted result. I still have to understand why somebody will finance (even with a miserable amount) such a nonsense? I am not an old, grumpy purist, I do enjoy digestible science fiction - been a fan of easy-minded St..-Tr.. all my life, but this is unwatchable, seriously. The evil alien machine theme is with us for over a hundred years now but this has to be the worst implementation yet and I've seen a lot of recycle bin stuff in my life due to my editing work. 1) Beaten up theme = no plot whatsoever 2) Awful CGI = Painful to watch in a conscious state 3) Appalling acting = Actually no acting as such AVOID, life is short!
