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Alien Outlaw

Alien Outlaw (1985)

January. 01,1985
| Horror Comedy Western Science Fiction

Aliens land in a small town where Jesse Jamison is about to have a gun show and bullets fly after the aliens start killing people. Watch out Diamond Booking agency for your next momentous event!


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This one is beyond awful. The aliens look like guys dressed in frog suits with cheap Halloween masks and seem to have no purpose on earth but to twirl six guns (for real, that old fashioned swing the gun by its trigger guard thing), bust out windshields on cars (interstellar vandalism...huh?) and from time to time, shoot people for no particular reason (do these guys not have laser guns or any weapons other than what they find laying around?) Not to worry, tho...awful acting and cornball plot fill in the very large blank spaces between action scenes. You'll be so desperate for something to happen that you'll find yourself cheering the car destroying scene. And then turning the movie off because not even Rifftrax makes this steaming pile worth finishing.


I'm really surprised this film still exists. I'm guessing someone bought the rights a garage sale and put it on DVD.The plot is that a trio of aliens land their spaceships somewhere in North Carolina, and for some inexplicable reason, go on a killing and rape rampage after finding a trailer load of guns belonging to carnival gunslinging gal. Amazingly, the aliens are not only able to easily master human weapons, but riding horses as well, because apparently there are equestrian events on Zeta Reticuli B.Well, the gunslinging gal wears a dress with a hemline that barely covers her buttocks, no doubt to detract from the fact she was flat-chested and had misaligned teeth. (A professional actress- NOT!) After an encounter with the aliens where she barely avoids being sexually assaulted, there is a big showdown at the end where she kills all three aliens, who apparently went hunting on Earth with exploding backpacks.E.T. this ain't, but you suspect that the reason they got backers is that you could get backers for anything with the word alien in the title. In some ways, the plot is like Predator. Except now Predator takes on a new luster compared to this.Another note- There is a bit of nudity in this film, making it a drive-in classic. (You never see much nudity in today's films, thanks to the prudes at the MPAA.) I think it shows we've gotten more reserved on that since the 1980's, not less.

Nenko Genov

Alien Outlaw, described as sci-fi/western, and unlike a regular B-movies, which usually get ratings below 4,5 this one has 6 something... Worth watching I thought. I was wrong. For 20 minutes I tried really hard to like this film. But I just couldn't force myself to see the rest of this uber boring crap without skipping and fast forward. I love B-movies but this is just boring 90 minutes. Dull uninteresting dialogs linking scene after scene after scene where just NOTHING happens, cause they are NOT showing the Alien Outlaw, which is just a guy with black gloves, some jacket with stuff attached to it to make it look "alien" and a bad mask on his head. OK, since you have already made this suit and it won't cost you more if you show it more, right?! So why do I have to wait for half an hour to get a peak on this so called Alien Outlaw?! No distant planets, no outer space, no laser blasters, no nothing. Just a very very bad UFO shot at the beginning of the movie, and then another shot where the UFO just GOES DOWN behind some trees and you hear a crash... Just like that. Why the hell the stupid flying saucer broke down and crashed you will never know. That's about the sci-fi, now about the western part. By western they mean that they have some horse scenes and some 6-guns. Some bullets shot but there is nothing that is even remotely close to a decent gunfight let alone a classic wild west showdown. NO WILD WEST here guys! They have some old cowboy stars, so I guess the movie is interesting for their fans, but I've never even heard their names since the credits of "Alien Outlaw". I guess they were popular in USA during the 40s and I'm sure they still have fans, so maybe for them this movie will be a curious one, but I'm quite sure they will be disappointed too, if not ashamed to see their childhood heroes in such a bad excuse for a movie.


Where else would you get a mix of aliens wielding .44 Magnums and old cowboy stars coming to the rescue? You owe it to yourself to see what kind of fun can be produced on a shoestring. Phil Smoot rocks! Check out "The Dark Power" for more proof... He really knows how to dish up camp with his over-the-top directorial style. This was Sunset Carson's, Wild Bill Cody's and Lash LaRue's last film before their deaths. They may or may not have been proud of that fact, but at least it gave another generation a bit of insight into the black-and-white "B" Western genre. A bit of trivia, this movie was filmed in and around the Glade Valley School in Sparta, NC. Sparta is the county seat of Alleghany County, the home of more Christmas tree farms than any other county in the country.
