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Live Freaky! Die Freaky!

Live Freaky! Die Freaky! (2006)

January. 31,2006
| Animation Horror Comedy Science Fiction

In a distant future, a cult forms around the Manson Family, when Charles Manson is mistaken for the messiah. Meanwhile, in 1969, Manson convinces his followers to murder Sharon Tate.


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SPOILERS ALERT, M'KAY? The reviews for this movie are polarizing. I see people calling this the most offensive movie of all time, pure trash, etc, etc. I sat through Where the Dead Go to Die and Drawn Together: The Movie. I've pseudo-intellectual garbage at it's worst and shocking for the sake of shocking at it's most cringey. Seeing this film for the first time, I thought it would be along those lines. Then I sat down to watch the movie and, with the exception of one graphic sex scene and an over-the-top murder, it didn't make me sick to my stomach. The filmmakers are not pro Manson or anything, the film is so obviously a satire of the media and the legacy it's made out of Charles Manson. It's use of music, and the portrayal of the murder victims isn't done out of spite, but through the perspective of how the family would see the world. Still it's very offensive and I don't recommend for the squeamish and maybe the criminologists who take this stuff very seriously.That being said, it's no masterpiece of schlock or satire. Personally, I think what would make the satire sharper and clearer for general audiences is if the Tate murders were treated with more dignity. That would be a great reality check - something to show you how awful a home invasion/murder really is - and it would make the schlock all the schlockier once you get cut back to it. You know? Give the audience mood whiplash by going from dark comedy, to full on tragidrama, and then back into comedy like nothing ever happened? For smart viewers "Live Freaky Die Freaky"'s message isn't going to be lost, but I can't see those same people giving it a glowing review.


Well, I really don't care if the movie sucked, Billie Joe Armstrong and Davey Havok were in it and even though this may sound shallow, THEY ARE SO FRIKEN HOT! Haa, its just too bad Jade isn't in it ... :-( But whatever, I liked the movie just to hear them. That's okay isn't it? Movie quality doesn't matter to this movie, Davey's in it *drool*.I know this probably isn't a helpful comment. I just think its cool that Davey's in a movie ... Um, sorry? Well, the movie's not that great, but for someone like me, who really doesn't give a flying crap, just cares that Davey's in it :-) Oh! And Billie Joe!


Live Freaky Die Freaky was the only movie with any truth in it that i have seen in my entire life! Charles "Hanson" actually carried a great message, and although i think the murders of Sharon "Hate" and the other couple where wrong..i still think the film was genius! Charlie's last speech actually made me think, whether he was "lying" or not. So watch this movie and think about it (i mean really think about it not just focus on whats too obscene)..and take a look around.Maybe you'll learn something about our world. The movie also had a sick sense of humor that just kept me wondering what John Roeckers problem was...and i loved it! At least someone has the guts to tell the whole world off. Don't listen to the haters, go see this movie!


Before I begin my review, I would just like to point out that I am quite the purveyor of underground, campy, and tastless entertainment. Even though I just turned 30, I still have an adolescent sense of humor: I loved Team America and I watch South Park religiously. Based on the clips from the website, I didn't have very high expectations of Live Freaky Die Freaky, but was hoping at least for something along the lines of Meet The Feebles: some trashy obscene fun in a medium typically reserved for children's entertainment.My main problem with this movie is just how low budget and amateur it is. This movie should be a lesson to not attempt stop motion animation unless you actually have the money and talent to back it up. As mentioned in the title of this review, the animation is about as bad as the Late Night with Conan O'Brien special that was done in claymation form. They put no effort whatsoever into sculpting the characters' bodies. It basically looked like a second grader rolled clay really fast in his hands to form arms and legs. Perhaps I would have found the pornographic scenes to be more shocking and offensive if they hired real artists to do the job. Instead it was just kinda silly and immature, like the "naked lady" bodies I'd make out of clay when I was 7. I think in any given scene there is never more than one thing moving on the screen, this includes eyes blinking and mouths moving. And in some scenes NOTHING is moving. You're just looking at still pieces of clay.I'll admit, I did laugh a couple of times, but for the most part the scenes were way too drawn out. It was kind of like a high school play where everyone involved is more concerned about getting through their lines vs. actually making the scenes work. After the 50th time Sharon Tate's gay friend makes a "c*ck joke", it gets really tiresome.Other random complaints: -The music is not very good at all. I like musicals, but only when they put real time and effort into making good songs. -This movie was not filmed, it was made with a videocamera. The theater just screened it on a projection TV. This always kinda bugs me when I pay $10 to see a movie. -What's the deal with this being in black and white? The trailers on the website were in color. Kind of misleading. -Why did they decided to start and end the movie "in the future" (the future is basically a man in a robe wandering the desert for a couple of minutes). It seemed like another pointless plot element.I think anyone who has written a good review about Live Freaky Die Freaky is either an employee of Hellcat Records (who otherwise produce some fine bands) or in someway connected to the production of this film. Either that or they are too young to have seen enough bizarre cinema that is actually good. This is the type of movie that at the most will be watched by stoners in the background of their college dorms....for about 5 minutes before they say, "This sucks, let's watch Dead Alive". Meet the Feebles was very low budget and very trashy and I wouldn't say it's a great movie, but at least you can see a certain level of talent in Peter Jackson's directing.Instead of watching Live Freaky Die Freaky, I recommend finding the bootleg video of Davey and Goliath episodes in which someone redubbed the audio to have more vulgar content. That is probably 10 times funnier and has better animation.
