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The Tomorrow Man

The Tomorrow Man (2001)

July. 31,2001
| Thriller Science Fiction

Larry Mackey is a blue-collar dad in the 1970's, determined to make a better future for his young son. A future that's coming a lot faster than he thinks... When a depraved gang of time travelers from 2000 cross Larry's path, he's accidentally forwarded, where he discovers he's the reason his grown son has become a gangland murderer. Now he must make every minute count in his second chance of a lifetime to set things right


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Give it a chance. It is watchable. If you are 12 don't even start it, it is the type of camp that absolutely repels 12 year old's of all ages. You kinda have to buy into the drama heart strings thing, ignore some of the really campy acting- not real bad, just a competent high schoolish type of acting.Very low budget but quite an attempt at a complicated script back when it cost actual imagination and film technique instead of todays fair to slick computer fx key punching.It is a story of redemption with a saccharine sweet ending but not for the kids due to over the top killings (though "clean", like back in the days of 'BANG' and people fall down with some fx, but not overly gory like a real shooting is).Almost a silly movie in some aspects, think TV show with this one. I gave it a 7 because it is a 4.something and deserves at least a 5.


I happened to catch this little B-flick on cable and was caught up from the first scenes - angry father, sensitive son, ineffectual mom - and when the time-travel plot got going, I was in it for the long haul. Good acting all around, with Beth Kennedy my favorite as a wise-cracking agent from the future. Give it a chance; you'll be surprised!


I admit I was skeptical, but I was pleasantly surprised by this one however. Watching this movie, I got the impression that the film makers wanted to do much more with the story but were hindered by budget limitations (we are talking about a B-movie here). Corbin Bernson did reasonably well in portraying the troubled father; however Beth Kennedy came up a little short on reflecting any emotion (no shortage of tongue in cheek humor though). The end is touching in a cliché sort of way. I was amused to see the small cameo by Zach Galligan. In the end, I believe that project had great potential but not enough financial resources or production time to flesh out shallow characters and thin story line.

Forever Damned

Available on DVD in the UK.A complete surprise this one. I buy quite a few cheap DVD's and this was one of a few that I've had a couple of months and only just got round to watching. The cover and plot write up make this film sound like a low grade B-movie that should be consigned to movie hell BUT....Give it a go and you'll have a really entertaining 90 minutes. A good storyline with basic special effects but the undercurrents of 'how life can be' really make this movie.It does make you think and movies that do that are no bad thing.
