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Munnariyippu (2014)

August. 22,2014
| Drama Thriller

Raghavan, a simple and lonely man, comes out of jail. His life changes after he meets Anjali, a journalist who wants to prove herself professionally.


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Movie is really enjoyable and feast to watch. But the climax was predictable. positives about the movie is direction, background score and fine performances by all.There were some brilliant dialogues and quotes throughout the movie. Climax was as expected and every mystery was explained in the last scene. But still there are some questions that are answered. After watching the movie, one thing i didn't understand is, being a ghost writer, why the journalist was waiting for CK Raghavan to write the story. Why she didn't try to write his story herself? why she never asked about his background and how he was prisoned? can someone answer?

Naveen Venu

Munnariyippu is one of the best Malayalam movies I saw recently. This here is an example of how brilliant story writing skills blended with good direction acted out by Mammootty can be amazing. Right from the starting credit scene to last second of the movie is a journey. A journey into C.K Raghavan. This was the only movies of its kind in Malayalam. As most of us were expecting the flashback of Raghavan in the second half or in the ending, the movie take you by surprise and the last scene can haunt you and it takes a while to understand. The writer want the viewer to chose his climax or writer want us to chose which part of Raghavan made him to that in the end. I don't know if there is any movie in Malayalam had a climax like this. After watching the movie only you realizes that every dialog, frame is relevant.The music by Bijipal is also impressive. Aparna Gopinath is improving and has done a good job in the movie. But the real show stealer was Mammootty with his shear acting skills. We cannot see Mammoottty in the movie, but Raghavan. This is the role that reminds us that why he is so important part of the industry. Unni R is very much appreciable of this amazing story. Overall its a brilliant movie for good film goers.

Stanley IpKiss

Munnariyippu, means 'caution' or 'warning', but the warning is not about some shocking or nerve jangling event or occurrence. Cameraman-director Venu has a different agenda in this film that stars Mammootty in the lead.Anjali Arakkal (Aparna Gopinath), a freelance journalist, earns her living by ghost writing autobiographies of the rich and famous. Her latest client is the jail superintendent Krishnamoorthy (Nedumudi Venu) who is to retire from service shortly. When she goes to meet him in the jail, she meets Raghavan (Mammootty), a prisoner accused of a double homicide. He has served his sentence but continues to stay in the jail as he has nowhere to go.Anjali interviews him as part of the research for Krishnamoorthy's book. She finds that he is an interesting person and has jotted down his thoughts in a diary. She uses this material to write an article on him for a leading English magazine.The article wins her a book deal from a publisher in Mumbai to translate Raghavan's autobiographical writings.Anjali gets Raghavan released and finds him a place to stay. She provides him with pen and paper, telling him to write whatever he feels like. But days go by and the paper remains blank. Anjali gets increasingly angry, annoyed and agitated as time goes by.The equation of their relationship does not change much as they come to know each other better. Anjali had found Raghavan an interesting subject to write about. Raghavan does not open up to her any more than one would to a casual acquaintance, even though he entrusts her with his life's earnings.The screenplay and dialogues by Unni R give us clues to where we are heading, but much still remains a mystery.Renji Panicker and Joy Mathew play senior journalists who guide Anjali, who can be quite ambitious and ruthless. They say things that mentors are supposed to say. They underline the changes taking place in the profession.Prithviraj appears in a cameo as the prospective groom for Anjali.The star cast is in top form with every character etched perfectly so that every character is memorable no matter how fleeting an appearance he/she makes.Munnariyippu is one of the most intriguing films made in recent times.


First and foremost,The movie is not an entertainer.Everyone may not like the movie.So,please don't go with your family for enjoying.Its a slow paced movie which is the highlight because it shows the real daily life of the main character C.K.Raghavan.Mammootty has done a great job as C.K.Raghavan. Credit should be given to director Venu for molding Mammootty into Raghavan,especially after a lot of disastrous films from the actor.After ABCD,this is Aparna Gopinathan's comeback in a strong role as Anjali,a free lancer journalist who wants to be famous but is still a ghost writer.She has done a brilliant job in coloring the screen against a dull life of Raghavan.None of the other actors have any meaningful role in the movie.Nedumudi Venu,Prathap Pothan,Renji Panicker and Joy Mathew all did pretty well in their respective roles.They all promised a lot but actually there was nothing in their roles.Prithviraj appears in a cameo for the movie.His role actually had some meaning changing Anjali's view of life and he did it neatly.Even after expecting a slow movie,the second half felt little dragging. At a point during the second half,we can't really predict how the movie is going to end because there is lots of missing links and also very less time.But the script is so brilliantly written that all our doubts are cleared at the very end.
