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Die Beauty

Die Beauty (2010)

September. 17,2010
| Drama Thriller

Die Beauty is a surreal thriller in a feverish fairytale world. A story about friendship and alienation, family ties and kindred blood.A group of girls want something to happen. Something that will make everything change. A dead body floating down the river would be exciting. And if you wish for something hard enough...


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Joseph Greene

If there's anything you remember from South Park, it's gotta be one of two things.Kyle's Mom is a (not very nice person)... and Ginger Kids.This sort of sets the stage for Die Beauty, an independent Swedish film about a small village by a decent sized river. As well as the messed up inhabitants. We see the women of the night get boned and abusive relationships unfold through the eyes of a little red haired girl. Apparently you get a lot in that town if you're a ginger. Some things don't change from country to country I suppose.Anyway, she seems disturbingly obsessed with seeing a dead body. Talking to her equally messed up friends on a bridge every day about it. After a while, she finally gets her wish. And again... and again. People just seem to be dying in town one at a time and being scooped up from the river. It's really a story of dealing with your messed up childhood in the best way you can. Maybe it was her obsession with dead bodies? I'm kind of unsure about that. But that's what I believe I saw.There was actually a lack of violence in this movie. It's implied pretty hard that something's going down, so they never need to. That combined with music that starts whenever something's about to hit the fan.I sadly still know very little about Swedish cinema, but it's been a marvelous learning experience every time I jump into one of these films. They have true heart. Like most independent films do. The heart of the film will always show to everyone as long as it's made with care. Stina Bergman, you have done good. I see nothing but wonderful things in your future. At least judging from this one.Die Beauty will confuse the heck out of your average moviegoer sometimes... and I'm not even average and it took a couple of viewings to make me truly appreciate it. If you like to over-analyze films like me, then this is totally for you. A
