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Caleb's Door

Caleb's Door (2009)

January. 01,2009
| Thriller

Caleb is an ex-marine who's drifting through life trying to find answers. He moves back to his childhood home to escape his nightmares. He finds that everything's different. His high school sweetheart is now engaged. His parish priest, to whom he always turned for support, is struggling with his own crisis of faith. And instead of getting better, the nightmares start coming true.


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The only reason I watched this "presentation", to the end, was to see if there was any redeeming value at all. There wasn't!Unfortunately, I didn't read any reviews before wasting time on an amateurish effort by everyone involved with Calebs Door. Acting, direction, scenery, props--all score zero on a scale of one to ten. Hopefully, these comments will save other viewers from a mind-numbing journey through insipidity.If you decide to ignore this warning, be prepared for a soap opera treatment of a disjointed, lame storyline that beats you over the head with blatant morality. Both the writer/director and producer seem to take some special glee in insulting the intelligence of the viewer.


Caleb's Door is an adventurous first film that explores ways to record inner sensibility on film. Its likable and well played main character, Caleb, who strives to be a writer, is plagued by problems that will strike a chord with anyone familiar with today's news. Writer-Director Arthur Vincie doesn't go for the familiar happy ending, but instead paints a real (if imaginative) picture of a soul in distress, a soul that refuses to surrender to despair, regardless of the burden of his suffering. Vincie probes the roles of family and religion, as well as the effects of social climate on the sensitive person. He asks some probing questions about the power of love to heal as well as to hurt. Well worth a look. We'll hear from Vincie again.

Kellie Stewart

This movie is about a want-to-be writer that can't seem to write and starts suffering from nightmares that involve a red door. He decides to take a friend up on the offer to apartment sit while the friend is out of town. He works at temp agencies and we learn that at one time he was a marine, which really added nothing to the story as a whole. People that he once felt close to have moved on with their lives, and not in ways Caleb is happy with. Through his nightmares he sees things involving these friends and in reality they are affected. At first I thought this movie was a spin on Jacob's Ladder because it skipped from one scene to the next and it all had no tangible meaning. Ultimately, Caleb realizes why he's having the dreams and deals with it. It was a very slow and boring movie. The only good scenes were the ones in which Caleb cried. Otherwise, he seemed a bit deadpan. Not all facets of the story tie themselves together well. I wish someone had warned me not to bother watching this movie before I wasted my time watching it.


For starters, this was NOT worth the 20$ i payed for this movie. Come to think of it, I looked forward to seeing this because the review on it was OK, and I thought the plot sounded interesting. This movie I'll vote grade C, but only just. It is by far one of the worst movie I've ever seen. Bad acting and a plot that doesn't live up to it's potential; at all. Throughout the movie it also is way to little scenery and it gets more and more boring as it goes on. It actually reminds me of Polish movies from the 70's... Say no more!I seriously considered stop watching about half through the movie. I just can't believe I ruined my evening by sitting through the whole thing...Stay as far away from this one! I beg you all not to waste your time!
