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Love Sick Love

Love Sick Love (2012)

November. 15,2012
| Thriller

Dori and Norman, two stunning and sophisticated serial daters, are destined to endure a terrifying journey through perfect couple-hood: Valentine's, Easter, Halloween, Christmas and New Year. Except with psychopath Dori, it all needs to take place over one weekend deep in the isolated countryside far from help. "Love Sick Love" is a complex and suspenseful journey into the darker side of love.


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I almost didn't watch this because I tend to steer clear of movies with a rating below 5 but once I read the synopsis I was hooked. It sounded like the kind of movies I typically enjoy and I was not disappointed. It's listed as a thriller but I definitely found some dark comedy in it especially once some of the other characters entered the movie. Lindsay Rose Binder, the lead, has only done one other film but I liked her and thought she did a great job portraying the single woman so desperate to find love she goes to extreme measures once she finds a potential catch. Nothing justified her crazy action but I have to say that even though she was insane I didn't completely hate her because the guy was definitely a jerk. I had to wonder at the end if she would ever find someone to fit into her insane idea of the perfect relationship.


For an unemployed single mother of two a Porsche driving company owner sure seems like the man of her dreams, but it is not the same for him. Her unrealistic expectations turn to bitter disappointment when her 'I love you' is not reciprocated, and she becomes vengeful. She expects a lifelong financial support both for her and her two kids in exchange for some bedroom and occasional kitchen action, and that is what she calls Love, and being in touch with her emotions! The storyline portrays psychotic, but comments on ordinary, everyday relationships. A sad state of gender affairs. Bitter, but all too realistic film.Seduction that turns into obsession, and then torture. Comments on family as 'ball and chain' for the male, in this movie literally. This is a serious date movie, not a romantic comedy. It is not a triller, but social commentary.


Ostensibly marketed as a thriller, this little independent film is anything but. It's more akin to a black-comedy that has vaguely thriller elements. I didn't mind the 'all women are nuts' undercurrent running through the film, as its merely a flip side of all the 'guys are evil pigs' Lifetime TV movies out there. What I did mind was that all the characters were rubbish, improperly motivated and felt unrealistic (even In the confines of the movie) I got some chuckles out of the grandparents played by veterans Charlotte Rea and M. Emmet Walsh, however not enough to say that this silly lil movie is worth watching.Eye Candy: Katia Winter is topless for all of one second

s K

For those out on the single scene, there's so much of the dialogue in this movie that makes you cringe only b/c you've said it or you've definitely heard someone else say it. Katia Winter does an amazing job with this role & carries the cast quite well. Really interesting role for Matthew Settle. What can be left to be said about Charlotte Rae? She's a class act from start to finish & this is a role I never thought I'd see her in (she's still Facts of Life Den Mom for me). The director & screenwriter must be some kinda warped if any of this is related to any of their own dating experiences. All in all, Really Great Flick and a refreshing change from the usual that's currently out; Engrossing from start to finish. Makes you wish for a Part Two too.
