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Uncivil War Birds

Uncivil War Birds (1946)

March. 29,1946
| Comedy War

The stooges are civil war soldiers who are constantly changing uniforms to avoid the opposing armies. Eventually they decide to be loyal to the south, but remain disguised as Union soldiers. Curly is detected as a spy, but Moe and Larry prevent his execution. The boys escape with a secret map and marry their three southern belles.


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Uncivil War Birds (1946) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Decent short has Moe, Larry and Curly getting engaged but before they can plan the wedding the Civil War breaks out. Moe and Larry sign up to fight for the North but Curly signs for the South. Moe and Curly decide to switch sides but they must try and avoid other soldiers who have taken over the city.UNCIVIL WAR BIRDS isn't the greatest Stooges short out there but there are enough laughs to make it worth sitting through if you're a fan of the series. If you're new to The Three Stooges then this isn't the place to start. With that said, this short has a few very funny moments thanks in large part to Curly and his comic timing. There are some great moments where his dumbness leaves everyone around him going nuts. The scene with the firing squad is a perfect example. The material itself isn't the greatest and while there aren't any huge laughs there's still enough to make this worth sitting through.

Movie Nuttball

The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have loved. I love just about every one of the shorts that they have made. I love all six of the Stooges (Curly, Shemp, Moe, Larry, Joe, and Curly Joe)! All of the shorts are hilarious and also star many other great actors and actresses which a lot of them was in many of the shorts! In My opinion The Three Stooges is some of the greatest actors ever and is the all time funniest comedy team! This is a great Three Stooges short and it has become one of My favorites! I just love it when Joe Palma talks to Cy Schindell and says about the corpse moving and Schindell says something like sure if he'd have wings he'd fly away, maybe I should ask if he is dead and Curly replies and Schindell says to Palma that see he told you himself that he was dead and then they realize what has just happened. Its hilarious! Great one from beginning to end!


I remember that in my teens that this was one of my favorite shorts but when I watched this short again recently, I thought that the short was good but not a classic, it does have its highs and lows, the highs was Curly seemed to be in decent health in this short and the ending was a hoot, the lows was Moe's wraths were pretty limited (cause half the times Moe would just not do anything to Larry and Curly) and the plot was pretty weak, overall it's one of the better shorts from Curly's decline period but it falls short of most of the early 1940's stooge shorts. 7/10 (would've been 5/10 if this was a Shemp short).


This short is very controversial because many people really like it and many people hate it. I for one really like it. I liked this one because they tried something new, and there was some great visual humor and gags. Curly turned in a great performance despite illness. Moe and Larry also do a great job in this short. I also think the supporting cast did a great job too.Grade: A-
