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A Gun for One Hundred Graves

A Gun for One Hundred Graves (1968)

August. 24,1968
| Western

At the end of the Civil War, Jim Slade, a young confederate soldier and conscientious objector, returns to his ranch to find his parents murdered and the ranch practically destroyed. He finds and kills three of the murderers and learns the name of the fourth, a certain Corbett. Finally he discovers Corbett as the leader of a gang that has plans to rob a local bank and is invited to help defend the town from the bandits. Teaming with a preacher, who has an agenda of his own, the two take a stand against Corbett.


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This exciting western packs action , shootouts , drama , high body-count , twists and it is fast moving and quite entertaining . America Civil War , the ¨Jehova Witness¨ Jim Slade refuses to kill somebody in battle and being subsequently sentenced for two years in prison . Returning from the civil war where has been condemned to forced labor , Jim (Peter Lee Lawrence) meets his parents dead at their farm . It is said that the band under the lead of Corbett (Piero Lulli) who along with his hoodlums (Raf Baldassarre) have committed the crime . Oulaws are attempting to rob a bank at Galveston , but there is no cash because a transport with 200,000 dollars did not arrive yet . As the cutthroats to return soon and the Mayor (Julio Peña) is eager to find a new marshal and offers a valuable reward : 5,000 dollars , them Jim accepts the job . There also shows up a suspicious priest (John Ireland) who helps him in his risked adventures . Meanwhile , a bunch of insane people (Jaspe , Fajardo , Victor Israel) breaking out from their cage and going bersek . Agreeable Chorizo-Spaghetti Western mostly produced by Italy (Tritone) and Spanish important participation (Copercines) ; it follows the Sergio Leone wake , including close-up , zooms , choreographic duels and no being proceeded in American style . It's a thrilling western with spectacular outdoors and breathtaking confrontation between protagonist Peter Lee Lawrence against heartless Piero Lulli and his henchmen as Raf Baldasarre . Acceptable action sequences with rousing crossfire and spectacularly bloody shootouts including an enjoyable music by Lavagnino who composes a vibrant soundtrack in Spaghetti style , as well as a colorful and evocative cinematography . A ¨Pistol for a hundred coffins¨ is an Italian-Spanish co-production with shootouts , thrills , action , fights , go riding and many other things . Being filmed in Spanish places located on outskirts Madrid and Poblado Hoyo De Manzanares replacing Almeria . It drags at times , balancing ups and downs ; turning out to be entertaining enough . Charismatic performance for the whole casting . Peter Lee is fine as a pacifist due to his religious conscience who becomes into a violent gunfighter , as he goes for vendetta but things result out to be more complicated than he originally thought . Peter ravages the screen , he jumps , bounds and leaps , hits and runs , besides receiving violent punches , kicks , and ultimately takes place a breathtaking showdown . The notorious German actor , Peter Lee Lawrence was the hero in many Spaghetti Westerns where he found his niche , here is good in his usual tough role . Peter may be a name best remembered by some Spaghetti Western aficionados , but in his day , from the mid-'60s to the early '70s , Lee Lawrence was one of the most popular actors of the genre —at the time cheap B movies , now revered cult classics- . The handsome , Bavaria-born , —actually called Karl Hyrenbach- began working in films as his uncredited debut in Sergio Leone "For A Few Dollars More" (1965) . His short cinematographic history can be enclosed in nine years of Italo-Spain co-productions . Particularly Paella/Pasta Western as ¨In Giorno Della Violenza¨, ¨Johnny Kid¨, "More Dollars for the MacGregors" , ¨Sartana¨ ,¨Garringo¨ . But he also made thriller-drama as "Giorni D'amore Sul Filo Di Una Lama" (1973) , where he played with his long time partner , the blond actress Erica Blanc , ¨Killer Calibro 32¨ , adventure as ¨Black beauty¨, ¨Tiger of Kyber¨, and Italian horror as "Bacio Di Una Morta" (1974). Unlike fellow Spaghetti star Clint Eastwood , however , Peter never became a top international box-office attraction . Support cast is frankly decent . Fantastic performance by the always great Eduardo Fajardo in a nutty role , famous for ¨Django¨ he subsequently would play similar characters ; furthermore , the slimy , menacing outlaw played by Ralf Baldassarre , here in his regular role as bandit and in a cruelly baddie character . There appears the habitual secondaries in Spanish/Italian Western such as : Frank Braña , Alfonso Rojas , Jesús Guzmán , Andrea Scotti , Ivan Scratuglia ,Rafael Hernández , José Marco , Miguel del Castillo , Gloria Camera as Saloon girl and Franco Pesce in his ordinary role as undertaker . Very nice cinematography by Alejandro Ulloa , including good sets, filmed on locations Seseña , Toledo , Manzanares , Madrid , La Pedriza, and Lazio, Italy . Composer Angelo Lavagnino composes a nice soundtrack , well conducted , this turns out to be one of the most memorable parts of the movie , as it's plenty of enjoyable sounds and haunting musical background with agreeable leitmotif . The motion picture was well written and produced by Eduardo Manzanos Brochero who ordered to built a Western town in Hoyo De Manzanares called 'Golden City' , it resulted to be the location in which was shot lots of Westerns produced and directed by Spanish and Italian and occasionally American people . This Western town called ¨Golden City¨ in Hoyo De Manzanares (Madrid) was made with sets by two great production designers , Cubero and Jose Luis Galicia , and it is today sadly disappeared . There was filmed several Westerns as ¨Fistful of dollars¨, ¨Welcome Padre Murray¨ , ¨Brandy¨ , ¨Dead man ride¨, various Zorros and this one . Eduardo Manzanos started producing ¨Il Coyote¨ and ¨The Jiusticia De Coyote¨ by Joaquin Romero Marchent . After that , he produced in his company Copercines ¨Vengeance of Zorro¨ and ¨L'Ombra Di Zorro¨ (1962). This picture was professionally directed by Umberto Lenzi , though with no originality , coping the usual theme : ¨Revenge¨ . Lenzi was a nice craftsman who directed another Western titled ¨Tutto per Tutto¨ with Mark Damon and he made all kinds of genres .


Normally, because of my love for the spaghetti western genre, I can accept any shortcomings that can be found in the movies. But with "A Gun For One Hundred Graves", there were so many that at times I found the movie tough going. I saw the complete version, but even then there were times when linking footage and even entire scenes of explanation seemed to be missing! What makes it further odd is that there's material that could have easily been edited out without harming the narrative, from the band of lunatics to the hero's Jehovah Witness beliefs. The cast does its best with the material, with John Ireland giving the best performance. But the movie so feels like it was made up as it was going along, that I can only recommend this to die hard spaghetti western fans, and even they find the experience hard to sit through.


Jim Slade is sentenced to forced labor, since he refused to kill somebody in war (due to his religious conscience). After the war, he returns home and finds his parents murdered. He chases the murderers and kills most of them - and everything I told you now just happens in the first 15 minutes of the film! After this rushed beginning, the real story unfolds. Bandits are trying to rob a bank - but there is no money in that bank because a transport with 200,000 dollars did not arrive yet. So the bandits threaten to return soon... and the citizens are eager to find a new sheriff and prepare for the attack. John Ireland plays a priest who is suspiciously fast on the draw. Eduardo Fajardo has only a small appearance as one among a bunch of madmen breaking from their cage. Piero Lulli, though, is at his best in the role of the leader of the bandits. Peter Lee Lawrence plays Slade as good as possible under the circumstances - it is a hero poorly developed by the screenplay who makes him a pacifist in the beginning and a gunman later on, but for a man who's never touched a gun before, he seems to learn effortlessly how to become the most dangerous man in town within a day or two. Also he first was ready to go to prison for his religious belief - and then he kicks that over board without a single regret later on. It would have been possible to make Slade a character torn between duty and desire, but instead the makers of the movie simply settle for a fast gun. Thus, "Una pistola per cento bare" became just one average movie among many.


This western is the type of movie you might see from Something Weird Video or on MST3K. That's not meant to be a put-down (if it was I'd be putting down 2/3 of my movie collection). I really enjoyed this film.The movie is directed by Umberto Lenzi, who is better known for his Euro-horror movies. The horror influence is clearly evident here when an escaped band of drooling lunatics runs around grunting and killing everyone in sight. It's a real hoot to see spaghetti western regular Eduardo Fajardo playing the part of a giggling homicidal idiot. This alone makes it worthwhile to seek out this film.John Ireland is great as the gunslinging preacher, and Piero Lulli makes a great villain as usual. The acting from the rest of the cast is not exactly top-notch, but that just adds to the flavor of this film. It's quite funny in parts (perhaps unintentionally but one can never be sure).There are also some really funny lines in the movie, which I will not spoil by mentioning here. The way everyone overreacts to the fact that the hero likes to drink water is especially hilarious.I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys both spaghetti westerns and strange, funny cult movies.
