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Yes, We Have No Bonanza

Yes, We Have No Bonanza (1939)

May. 19,1939
| Comedy Western

Set in a western town, the stooges are working as waiters in a saloon with the three girls they hope to marry. The proprietor of the saloon is a crook who, with his partner, has buried $40,000 of stolen money. The boys go prospecting in hopes of raising enough money to pay off the debts of their fiancée father, who owes money to their boss. They dig up the stolen money, which the crooks recognize as their loot and abscond with. A wild chase ensues, ending with the bad guy's car crashing into the Sheriff's office.


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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Yes, We Have No Bonanza" is one of the final quotes of Curly in this 1939 short film starring the Three Stooges and the film itself was named after said quote. It is over 75 years old already and came out the very year World War II started. The film runs for 16 minutes and is in black-and-white which is approximately true for the majority of Stooges short movies. Here they are in the Wild West and the title of my review refers to the very first scene, in which we see the Stooges with thick mustaches. Other than that, the story is pretty generic and similar to other Sttoges short films. The trio is working honestly to get money, but they run into a bunch of crooks and their hidden treasure. But luck is not on our heroes' side for long. The only thing missing here really are the love interests for the Stooges. This film is actually a remake of a completely unknown Jules White movie from five years earlier. And the jokes and slapstick humor in here are nothing new either. It's exactly what you see in every other Stooges film. I myself am not a huge fan of the trio, but that's just subjective. If you like other works from them, you will probably like this one too as it is one of their more known works (also because of Curly still being in here) and has a pretty decent rating here on IMDb, which is way too high for my taste. Oh yeah and people loves animals on screen back then, so a little dog can be seen occasionally too. I give it a thumbs-down though. Not recommended.


This is a somewhat familiar storyline of the good-hearted Three Stooges trying to help out their girls by earning some money to get them out of debt. In this case, their nasty boss is threatening their girls father. The boss also is the boys' boss as all six of them work in this saloon out West. It's not the "Old West" days, though, because there are automobiles but everything else looks like the 1800s. The boys also hope to marry the girls, if they are financially better off, so that's added incentive.As also is the case many times, the nasty boss is a crook. In this story, the guy and a cohort had robbed a bank and stashed the money in a hole in the ground outside of town. You-know-who just happens to discover the money the next day!Among the insane sights in this Stooges short is a burro wearing galoshes. The burro is named "Yorick," and when it appears it was accidentally blown up, yes, we hear: "Alas, poor Yorick. We knew him well." (You knew that line was coming!)Overall, a silly and so-so episode but entertaining in its goofy way.


I know I've seen this one a million times,BUT Is this the one where Curley says"Ain't Nature Wonderful"?I have a tapeworm's lunch bet on it! According to your guidelines, a comment have to be 10 lines or more. I don't think anyone of the Stooges shorts had more than ten lines of dialog, and you want 10 lines of comments? That's stretching things a little, don't you think, unless of course, the one's submitting comments are a bit on the long winded sort. I'm having difficulty stretching this request longer then I have proceeded so far. I still need two lines in order for this request to go through. I've already over burnt the toast for the tapeworm lunch, on the pure premise that I will be losing this bet in the first place, because this isn't the type of site I was looking for. A place where Stooge devotees could get an answer to questions that goggle doesn't even possess. Is that 10 yet?Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. It rottenly is! And I know that was spelled wrong, Spelt, if you're from the U.K.

Movie Nuttball

The Three Stooges has always been some of the many actors that I have loved. I love just about every one of the shorts that they have made. I love all six of the Stooges (Curly, Shemp, Moe, Larry, Joe, and Curly Joe)! All of the shorts are hilarious and also star many other great actors and actresses which a lot of them was in many of the shorts! In My opinion The Three Stooges is some of the greatest actors ever and is the all time funniest comedy team! This is a very funny Three Stooges western short. All of the performances are very good and Curly is hilarious! Dick Curtis performs well as the villain and Lynton Brent does as well. Also there are brief but good performances by Vernon Dent, Jean Carmen, Lola Jensen, Suzanne Kaaren. I recommend this Three Stooges short!
