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Bury Them Deep

Bury Them Deep (1968)

July. 18,1968
| Western

Clive Norton is a young captain ordered by his superior to recover two shipments of stolen army payroll gold. Clive enlists the help of Ted Hunter, a condemned prisoner whom he has released. They soon discover that two different gangs are responsible for the robberies...


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Its really pitiful to use the same backdrop for a town bank....i've seen this one in several other attempts at western outlaw films....the characters are all the same dirty, unshaven italian actors that probably get paid what they are worth which is practically nothing....i don't think the story tellers check things like proper u.s. army cavalry uniforms for the period involved...oh well, its not close to being entertaining so i didn't rate it


Bury Them Deep is directed by Paolo Moffa and written by Enzo Dell'Aquila. It stars Craig Hill, Ettore Manni, Giovanni Cianfriglia (as Ken Wood) and José Greci. Music is by Nino Fidenco and cinematography by Franco Villa.Essentially it's a buddy buddy spagwest, with the plot seeing Hill and Manni as an unlikely pair brought together in the search for stolen gold. The booty, robbed from the army, has been hidden by renowned tough guy Billy The Gun (Cianfriglia). It's very much a collage of other genre movies, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun and exciting, because it is - that is on proviso you are not a hard core spagwest fan hoping for something to reach your best of lists!First half of pic is more sedate than the second, as the makers build the jittery relationship between the two protags. Aided by Fidenco's schizophrenic - irritatingly catchy - musical score (woodwind and percussion on acid sometimes), tone always suggests a tongue in cheek approach. Not to say there isn't violence, since there is lots of it, shoot-outs, an extended knife fight and general raucous bad behaviour fill out the story, all completed with spagwest traditions such as exaggerated dives and punches.There's some nifty scenes and inventive camera shots, where we like see-saw hangings, great escape from being trussed up, and up-tilt shots of horses leaping. The stunt work is good dollar, with plenty of deaths from heights (cliffs and windows of course), this certainly doesn't lack for human efforts. The villains, in among shifting allegiances and mistrust, are a roll call of laughing hyena Mexicans, or in Cianfriglia's case (looking suspiciously like Burt Reynolds here!), very cool and measured. All in all it's not top line spaghetti, but filling enough for those after a fun genre time waster. 6.5/10


BURY THEM DEEP tells a familiar story and one that's chock-full of the usual spaghetti western ingredients: there are shoot-outs, show-downs, and hangings; bank robberies, bar brawls, and belles; characters dying in the desert and outwitting each other time and again. The film also has a kind of timeless charm to it which makes it an entertaining watch, even if it's not one of the best of its era.Craig Hill's hero is one-dimensional and wooden, sure, but supporting actor Ettore Manni is better as a guy with a grudge. Giovanni Cianfriglia has fun in his bad guy role, but I can't help but think this robust actor was better suited to heroic roles (like his one in the SUPERARGO movies). Overall, BURY THEM DEEP is well shot by future exploitation king Joe D'Amato, and there's enough action here to satisfy any fan of macho masquerades.


When a herd of bandits led by Billy the Gun get hold of a considerable amount of army gold and manage to gun down several soldiers during the process,Captain Norton is assigned to track down the villains and retrieve the gold.He pays a visit to his old pal that is currently residing behind bars (thanks to Norton) and is familiar with the habits and the lifestyle of bandits. Unfortunately, this notorious criminal (well-known for wearing a golden vest all the time) is about to be executed. Seconds before the executioner can put a noose around his neck, an explosion occurs, the scaffold is blown to pieces and Norton and his new companion promptly leave (all with the consent of the army officer in charge of the whole operation). These two rugged cowboys, each on the different side of the law, will have to cooperate in order to accomplish the mission. They must face danger in the form of Mexican thugs commanded by Cordero, who would like to get his hands on the gold. Norton has to deal with additional trouble because his companion attempts to take off whenever there is a chance... This spaghetti western contains gun fights, explosions, bar brawls, characters trying to swindle each other and also a dose of humor. When Norton and his pal are captured by Cordero's bunch, tied up, stripped off their clothes and left in the desert next to a bowl of milk that soon starts to attract poisonous snakes, two strangers decide to save them from certain death. How do our heroes express their gratitude? Of course, by knocking the two good christians unconscious and stealing their clothes and horses. Released on VHS in the Czech Republic under the title Bury Them Deep.
