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Witchboard III: The Possession

Witchboard III: The Possession (1997)

May. 20,1997
| Drama Horror

Brian, an out-of-work stockbroker, is introduced by his landlord Mr. Redman to a new source of insider information: the Ouija! The Ouija makes him rich, but when Mr. Redman kills himself and Brian suffers a freak accident, Brian's wife starts noticing changes in her husband...


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I disagree with the other posters who hated this movie.I was riveted to the screen all the way through.I thought it had atmosphere,especially the beautiful old apartment block,where most of the events happen.I thought the lead actor did a great job doing dual roles,one good one evil.Julie was very likable,as was her friend Lisa.I thought the special effects were fine for a movie that was not on a high budget.I was creep ed out by the landlord and his apartment with all the artifacts.His wife was equally creepy,particularly her little shack with all the candles,and talismans.I had never heard of the actors but was charmed anyways.It was filmed in Montreal and I just wonder about the history of that apartment building,and where it is in Montreal...

Paul Andrews

Witchboard III: The Possession tells the tale of an unemployed stockbroker named Brian (David Nerman) & his wife Julie (Elizabeth Lambert as Locky Lambert) who have to move into a small apartment as they effectively go broke. Brian meets the landlord Francis Redman (Cedric Smith) who shows Brian his Ouija board & tells him that they have been used for centuries & are in fact not just a way to speak to the spirits but they also act as a portal to other worlds & can be used to summon evil spirits. Francis asks a spirit about the stock-market on the answer of which he would have made a huge amount of money, shortly after Francis throws himself of a balcony & onto some spiked railings below. Brian senses his opportunity & steals the Ouija board & tries himself to contact the spirits for a little insider trading so he can make a bit of cash, unfortunately things don't go according to plan as Brian becomes involved with a particularly nasty loan-shark & if that wasn't enough an evil spirit from the Ouija board possesses Brian in an attempt to mate with a woman & spread his evil seed throughout the world...This Canadian American co-production was directed by Peter Svatek & is yet another terrible straight-to-video sequel & is the last Witchboard film to date. The script by Kevin Tenney & Jon Ezrine is bad, very bad. First I found the entire thing excruciatingly dull, now I can't quite put my finger exactly on why I thought this but I definitely did. Maybe it's the fact that it is incredibly slow to get going, it's not really until after a full hour that Witchboard III: The Possession turns into something even slightly resembling a horror film. Maybe it's the fact that the entire film appears to be set in the same apartment. Maybe it's the fact that there's no logical reason for anything on screen to be happening, why doesn't Mr. Demon dude just go out & find a woman to have sex with, or just rape someone why does it have to be Julie? Maybe it's the lack of any decent menacing villain? Maybe it's the slow pacing, the tediousness of it all, the stupidness of it, the boring character's & dialogue or maybe, just maybe it's down in part to all of these things. Whatever way I approach Witchboard III: The Possession it's lousy, from whichever angle I look at it from it remains 90 minutes worth of total crap, it's as simple & straight forward as that. Even die hard horror fans may have a hard time defending this one.Director Svatek doesn't do anything to improve the already limited entertainment value, Witchboard III: The Possession has no style, class or visual flair. The CGI special effects are absolutely terrible, there's no atmosphere, there's no tension, no scares & it never really felt like a horror film for most of it's duration. Forget about any gore, there's a couple of impalings, someone is killed by their mounted Butterfly collection (it's as dumb as it sounds) & the best moment in the whole film when someone is sliced in half by pane of broken shower cubicle glass.With a supposed budget of about $2,000,000 Witchboard III: The Possession is dull, bland & flat to watch with some truly terrible CGI effects. Are you sure this cost 2 big ones? It's competently made but competent in a dull unexciting way, it was filmed in Quebec in Canada. The acting left something to be desired to say the least.Witchboard III: The Possession was a load of crap in my opinion, maybe I've just seen too many of these unoriginal & uninspired horror films but the feelings I got from this one weren't good. Not recommended & probably one to avoid. The other films in this series are Witchboard (1986) & Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway (1994) neither of which I have seen although I'd put money on at least one of them being better than this, unsurprisingly a part 4 has never been made... yet.


watchable movie is kinda silly but the good acting and decent direction make up for it it is also kinda stylish it very cool camera angles the lighting could have been better and the ending was only so so so i am kinda mixed with this one still it's worth watching **1/2 out of 5


Witchboard III: The Possession was an okay movie, but it wasn't exactly scary. The acting was okay, and the directing wasn't bad. I don't understand why these Witchboard movies aren't looked at enough. People look at the case for them in the video stores, and go "Oh, look, it's Witchboard! What a stupid movie! Who would wanna see that?!" They just pass these not so hyped movies. Sometimes they pass a good ones, so check some out, and get a new variety. Don't pass by those not so hyped films. Some are actually good. I give Witchboard III: The Possession an 8 out of 10.
