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Crackerjack (1994)

August. 18,1994
| Action Thriller

A cop on vacation at a mountain resort comes to the rescue when the resort is taken over by violent criminals.


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Put up your hand and than catapult it down, and say "bah!" to this film. An extremely weak film, that is based upon some old, already used cliché, you know "terrorists taking over, one man army, bunch of hostage", this time in the mountain hotel. Well... yahoo.We got Thomas Ian Griffith (Karate Kid 3, Vampires) as a leading action man, but he looked here like he didn't give a damn for this film. He was even slow in martial arts scenes, he can do faster than that, but when you're doing a low budget film... what's the point? Christopher Plummer is here! What a hell? A great, classically trained actor to appear in such low budget crap as a leading villain? I don't understand... what is attractive to such great actors in low budget films? We also have Nastasja Kinski... well, she was OK.There isn't much to say about this crap film. Except... you can watch it if you want to... fall asleep for example.


Dialogue: stilted, clichéd; Acting: hammy, clichéd; Plot: predictable, clichéd.Just what are Christopher Plummer Nastassia Kinski doing in this "B" rubbish? Plummer was well established decades before this movie was made, Kinski had masterpieces like "Tess" and "Cat People" behind her... Must have been desperate.The bad guys all have bad-guy accents - *bad* bad-guy accents! (Plummer especially! Where *did* he learn to do "German"?) and most of them have bad-guy sneers as well. The innocent bystanders all overdo their panicking enough to make you laugh. The good guy survives, amongst other things: * a 5" throwing knife buried hilt-deep in his shoulder - just pulls it out and seconds later is using the arm with no difficulty at all; * marines' machine-gun fire (I think someone referred to a .50) in the leg which he sorts out by tying a bandage around his pants leg and thereafter he barely has a limp; * several fist-fights in which he sustains multiple punches to the face as well as being run cranium-first into a door frame; * a fall, backwards, from what looks like the third floor, onto paving, without the slightest sign of a twisted ankle or any other such trifling inconvenience. The script has exactly 3 clever lines, the rest of the time it's all so dull and boring.OK it's not all bad. Plummer does bring a certain class to his part, and is undoubtedly the best actor in this flick. Of course that doesn't say much, but he can do the callous villain without resorting to the ham techniques most of the villains use here. He delivers his "Ve haff vays and meance" type lines with some menace, but you are always aware you are watching Christopher Plummer acting the villain.This movie is truly an awful waste of time. The acting, such as it is, is sort of 70's 007 movies wooden line delivery meets Bruce Lee's very obviously faked fight scenes, but it's not even anywhere near as good as either a Roger Moore 007 or a Bruce Lee film. Don't bother.


Why can't you get this movie on DVD. I thought it was an excellent movie when I first saw it and have seen it many times since on video. I would like to add it to my DVD collection. I like this sort of movie although by the ratings it didn't appeal to some. Ánother one i like is bird on a wire but have trouble getting that one as well. I'm not into real violent movies and like a bit of romance as well. I often look on your web sight to find out if its been released on DVD yet plus many other movies. I've just bought Towering Inferno to add to my collection. My daughter often visits your web site too. I would love to add Crackerjack to it the one that was released in 1994 starring Thomas Ian Griffith

John M Upton

Maverick cop with family problems and fondness of using his gun – Check! Isolated location with valuable object which is begging to be stolen – Check! Tasty looking love interest – Check! Assorted band of dumb cardboard cannon fodder villains with dodgy European accents – Check! German sounding bad guy played by an English actor with a piece of corny dialogue for every occasion – Check! Corny one liners – Check!Deary me, does this film take the wee wee or what? The clichés come as thick and fast as an avalanche and most of the cast just stand around gawping at just how bad the script is!In a blatantly cheap and cheerful straight to video rip off of Die Hard only set on a mountain (complete with some nicked lines from the aforesaid) we have all the usual action move cliché's ticked off progressively as we go along with some good old fashioned violence and nudity thrown in to wake up anyone in the audience who may just have nodded off.Jack Wild is the cop in full on John McClane mode here who even manages time for the ye ancient bad guy with gun has used all his bullets gag at one point.In amidst this mess, there are a few well known recognisable faces who I can only assume needed the cash and/or were simply playing it for laughs right from the pointless opening scene that had nothing to do with the plot whatsoever through to the final implausible conclusion complete with ropey dialogue and even ropier effects.Looking up this three quid from the Supermarket bargain bin effort on IMDb I am astonished to find that this dud spawned not one but two sequels, I have got to find these gems on DVD! It looks like the first sequel is a rip off of Under Siege 2 and the second sequel, well goodness knows! One thing that is always a bad sign is that the actor playing Jack changes with each film and even the character's name seems to change for the third instalment.Still, blind purchases of cheap DVD's just would not be the same if studios didn't keep trotting out material of this awful quality!!
