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The Ambulance

The Ambulance (2005)

July. 15,2005
| Drama Action Thriller

Two brothers commit a robbery to pay their dying mother's medical bills and are forced to steal an ambulance during their getaway. But, unbeknownst to them, the ambulance has a dying heart patient and a hospital intern in the back.


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Spoiler alert: When the scroll texts appear, it means you're close to actually making it through this school example of a trashy movie picture. The original category pick by both director and writer surely meant to be something inbetween action/comedy and a psychological drama. Trash however, is the most describing category into which this flick is catapulting itself. Few scenes with some humorous or dramatic potential, soon get spoiled through a talentless script, unforgivable clipping errors, as well as through the flawless ability of all characters, surrounding the medium well played main character Frank set into scene by Thomas Bo Larsen, to kill any hint of substance of reality. The list of positive aspects about this movie sadly includes, nothing more, nothing less, than "the movie is not a waste of time as long as you don't watch it". Only reason for not going further into the analysis of this movie picture, is merely because I don't think it deserves it. Two stars both go to Thomas Bo Larsen, for doing his part of the job. AE


I saw this Danish Feature Film at The Umeå Film festival and found it very special. The whole film takes place in a car (an ambulance) and it all takes place in real time. These two elements themselves give the film a very special atmosphere. Maybe the experiment doesn't work all the way trough the film, but at least it's very original. And the story about the two brothers actually touched me.I will recommend you to see the film if you meet it at a festival. At least you'll get to see something you haven't seen before. ANd the Danish actor Thomas Bo Larsen (who was also in the film Festen) is brilliant as the big brother. I didn't know the other two actors, but they were also giving good performances.


I think this is a different kind of action film, actually more a drama than a comedy. I was very fascinated by the shots inside the body with the heart and the blood veins. And the idea about the story taking place in real time also gives quite a special feeling to the film. Maybe it's not that original to cast Thomas Bo Larsen as the criminal, but it's nice to see the other two new faces in Danish cinema; Paw Heniksen and Helle Fagralid. I think they all do it very well in this intense and original little road movie.It reminded me about Phone Booth with only one location and real time. You don't really need anymore to make a good drama.

Anders Jørgensen

A quite uninteresting movie.Two criminals uses a ambulance as their escape vehicle. Of course this ambulance keeps an important role throughout the movie.This movie reminds a lot of the whole bunch of action comedies, that Denmark has produced in the last six-seven years. There is almost nothing new in this one. Just the fact that Thomas Bo Larsen once again plays a bad criminal says a lot about the lack of originality in this movie.The movie is actually quite short. Aprox. 1 hour and 15 minutes. But since the movie was very uninteresting, I was quite pleased that it was not any longer.I give it four out of ten.
