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The Holy Virgin Versus the Evil Dead

The Holy Virgin Versus the Evil Dead (1991)

June. 07,1991
| Fantasy Horror Action

A teacher and his five female students are attacked by a monster with neon-green eyes.The teacher escapes but his students are completely dismembered.He soon discovers the monster is worshipped by a cult whose ambition is to rule the world and tear the clothes off young girls.


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HOLY VIRGIN VS. THE EVIL DEAD has one of those fantastic cult titles that really tells you everything you need to know about the film you're going to watch. This is a typically high-energy slice of Hong Kong action horror, with geeky school teacher Donnie Yen tackling a centuries-old Moon Monster with a penchant for human flesh. It's a low budget but frequently thrilling production in which the slapdash nature of the events becomes a merit, making this a fast, funny, and frequently furious kind of movie that could never be made in the west.The film it most reminded me of is THE SEVENTH CURSE, particularly in the latter half with the excursion into the Cambodian jungle, and while it's not as good as that bigger-budgeted earlier movie, HOLY VIRGIN still packs a punch. The arresting opening sequence - murder at the picnic - really sets up the tone for the rest of the production. There are no slow moments here, just murder, bloodshed, sleaze, and high action. I saw the international version which replaces all the nude girls with clothed versions, but otherwise seems to be intact. The '80s-style special effects are a hoot and the fight scenes are great fun. Yen gets to do what he does best while the high-kicking Ken Lo is one of the few actors who could handle this type of role. I spotted references to THE TERMINATOR, THE KILLER, and THE EVIL DEAD along the way. Moon Lee is referenced in the English credits but doesn't appear, but there's a nice role for Pauline Yeung, of DRAGONS FOREVER fame.


(Let me save you time and cut to the chase: Look at the title, if it interests you at all then there is no point reading the review, go find the movie and watch it. If the title doesn't interest you then no matter what I say is going to change your mind go find another movie to watch)This movie is a blast. Its an over the top martial arts horror mixture thats got great fights, monsters, gore, nudity and everything you go to the drive in for, even if its only your living room.The plot has something to do with the return of the" moon monster" who is trying to find the right girl to rape to get his power back. Along the way he kills a good number of people, is temporarily killed himself, and has to contend with the police, a teacher suspected of his killings and a beautiful princess who are out to stop him. It didn't make a great deal of sense to me (mostly because the subtitles of the print I was watching tended to blend into the background.) Then again I didn't care, this movie is just a good deal of fun to watch with earnest performances, great action, some gore and numerous I can't believe they are doing this moments.No its not the best film to come down the pike. It meanders a bit too much and as much as I enjoyed it it was just a tad too cheesy in execution. Still if the English title of Holy Virgin vs Evil Dead instantly makes you sit up and want to either know more or see this film, then you've come to the right place.


Donnie Yen is probably the most underrated martial arts star of the nineties. Without him, this movie would be nothing more than a Hong Kong snuff film with mediocre special effects and dozens of naked women...not that a movie like THAT couldn't stand on its own merits.The movie begins with what looks like a beach party with a teacher and a half dozen of his female students. Paradise? Yes, until a cranky demigod rises from the earth and kills every girl there. It is the ancient Chinese god of misogyny.The teacher, Donnie Yen, is the prime suspect in their dismemberments. Much of the movie is his search for clues as to the identity of the real killer.I won't say much more except that the movie switches venue to Cambodia and then turns completely from horror to action movie. How many naked Cambodian women can you have in a scene before it begins to look gratuitous?Apparently more than twenty...


i got hold of this classic from a friend and set down to watch it expecting some kinda cheesey porn with no storyline, terrible acting and an appauling script. But what i got suprised me, the script was really good and one of the best fantasy martial arts storys i've ever seen, granted this isn't a lot but the story kept my attention and i pleasantly pleased. the acting wasn't fantastic but it was a lot better than you see in most films. the nudity wasnt iver used although at times it was VERY pointless an example is one of the most amusing and confusing tracking shots that i know, about 200 naked women standing around taking there clothes off for no reason.The story is simple and brilliant and explains itself perfectly as the movie develops to let the audience learn more and more. The Moon monster kills and rapes several female students and injures their teacher, he gets out on bail and tries to hunt down the moon monster, this leads to a load of different plot turns and developments and telling them here may spoil the enjoyment for you. a very enjoyable movie that everybody should try and hunt down and watch and enjoy. 8/10 top job
