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Swing Away

Swing Away (2017)

October. 13,2017
| Drama Comedy

Following a meltdown that leads to a suspension, professional golfer Zoe Papadopoulos travels to her grandparents' village in Greece to escape the harsh spotlight of the international sports world. Between baking bread and eating baklava, she meets and mentors a ten-year-old girl who is determined - against all odds - to become the next golf sensation. Along the way, Zoe rediscovers her Greek heritage, her love of the game, and the hidden strength within herself as she inspires the townspeople in an epic showdown against a greedy American developer.


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The story is formulaic, but the characters and surroundings makes this a warm, family friendly movie. Themes of redemption, family, loyalty, mentorship and faith are all woven into the story. Standouts include the main lead characters, especially the Greek Orthodox priest. Shannon Elizabeth is a very effective lead and carries the movie, and John O' Hurley chews up the scenery as an over the top megalomaniac villain. The scenes are gorgeous. Makes one want to take a golfing vacation to Greece!


I saw this movie last night an thoroughly enjoyed it. If you liked "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" you will like this movie even more. The acting was better and more authentic, the scenery was spectacular and there was many more laughs. John O'Hurley or J. Peterman, Elaine's boss on the Seinfeld show played the bad American perfectly. He was hilarious. Take your kids to watch this great family film.


If you enjoy stories about underdogs who overcome evil villains in the face of insurmountable odds, you will definitely enjoy Swing Away. As added bonuses, golf aficionados get a glimpse into the world of the LPGA, and travel buffs get a taste of Greek village life in the 21st Century as local residents find themselves fighting for their way of life against a greedy, heartless real estate magnate. Add into the mix a bit of intrigue on the part of two clever lawyers and an unlikely champion, and you have a fun film for the whole family.Highly recommended.

Dee Mou

I went to see a screening of this great film a few months ago. Without giving anything away, I think it's fine to mention that it really captures different aspects of the Greek condition, measures for success, and a few other things. What I loved about the movie is that behind all the humor, picaresque scenes, and romantic touches is a basic morality tale that really hits home. There are unexpected heroic elements in many of the characters, regardless of their social class, training, etc. (I can't say much more than this or I'll set off a spoiler alert. If you haven't seen it yet, please plan to!)
