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Bucktown (1975)

July. 02,1975
| Action

Duke Johnson visits a small Southern town, intent on burying his brother. After the funeral, he learns that he must stay for 60 days, for the estate to be processed. A few locals convince Duke to reopen his late brother's nightclub, and soon the local redneck policemen are intimidating Duke with threats of violence. Duke refuses to pay the bribes they demand, so then he and his lady friend Aretha are threatened and attacked by the crooked cops. Rather than take them on himself, Duke calls on his old pal Roy. Roy brings a few buddies to Bucktown, and they bring justice to the small town. With the redneck cops out of the way, Duke lets his guard down. Then the situation gets out of hand again. Finally, Duke must settle the score himself.


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Although it's not quite as much fun as its dynamite star combo (Fred Williamson - Pam Grier) prepares you for, "Bucktown" offers a thoughtful examination of the link between power and corruption. Countering the charges of reverse-racism that have often been made against the blaxploitation genre as a whole, "Bucktown" suggests that corruption is color-blind. But don't worry, the film still has enough violence and jive talk to satisfy the more undemanding fans of the genre. The stunning Pam Grier gives one of her finest performances in an atypical (for the era) non-action role; it's also interesting to see Carl Weathers in a fairly prominent supporting role, just one year before he hit the big time as Apollo Creed in "Rocky". **1/2 out of 4.

Lucien Lessard

Dean Johnson (Fred Williamson) came to Bucktown to bury his murdered brother. Dean is forced to stay in Bucktown for two months, because of his brother's will. Now Dean works on his late brother's bar, he becomes friends with a foxy lady named Aretha (Pam Grier) but he has to deal with a sleazy police force led by Chief Patterson (Art Lund) and his men. When Dean calls his best friend Roy (Thalmus Rasulala) to clean up the mess in Bucktown with the help of Roy's men. The clean up is successful and getting rid of these sleazy cops but it ain't easy. Dean slowly realized that Roy and his men are the same of the previous corrupt cops. They want money from any business in town. Now Dean becomes a one-man army to get rid of Roy and his men.Directed by Arthur Marks (Detroit 9000, Friday Foster, J.D.'s Revenge) made an entertaining, action movie with some good laughs. Williamson is fun to watch as the lead hero. Grier is fine as Dean's girlfriend. Rasulala and Lund are strong in supporting roles. It is nice to Carl Weathers as one of Roy's tough guys in a small role.DVD has an good anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an OK Dolby 2.0 Mono Sound. The DVD's only extra is the original theatrical trailer. "Bucktown" does have some good moments, some of the dialogue are extremely funny but the movie becomes laughable at times and forced at times. Despite some flaws, It's a fun "Soul Cinema" feature. (*** ½/*****).


Bucktown (1975) ** (out of 4) Blaxploitation flick about a man (Fred Williamson) who travels south to bury his brother but learns that the place is being run by a bunch of crackers (redneck white folks). After the cops try bullying him, the man calls in his posse and soon they wipe out the rednecks but then the posse wants to take over, which Mr. Williamson isn't going to stand for. This film starts out very entertaining with the type of trash you'd expect from 70's blaxploitation. You got some great dialogue including a brilliantly funny line from Williamson regarding a pig and you've got countless, over the top racial slurs being thrown around in such jive that you can't help but laugh. What really kills the film is when the posse shows up because the violence is so strong and distasteful that it actually kills the good time the film was having. The second half with Williamson taking on his posse is just downright boring. Pam Grier plays the love interest with Carl Weathers playing one member of the posse.


Well, she doesn't show those Pammeries often (just one time) in this film, but just the chance to see Ms. Grier perform is worth the price of admission.She actually has a very meaty role in the 70s blaxploitation flick that also stars Fred Williamson (From Dusk Till Dawn), who is set to play Henry Kissinger in his 100th film this year; and Carl Weathers (Rocky I-IV, "In the Heat of the Night"), and Thalmus Rasulala (Willie Dynamite, Blacula).Bob Ellison's screenplay actually is interesting for the genre and the twist in the story is unique.And, did I mention it is another chance to see Ms. Grier?
