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Convict (2014)

January. 23,2014
| Drama Action Crime

Set in the dark and old Parramatta prison built by the original convicts our lead character Ray a war veteran finds himself serving 18 months for manslaughter after defending his fiance. He soon realizes that the prison boss has it in for him and does everything possible to break Ray even going after his fiance.


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I've seen a lot of horrible movies in my time. Some were just executed badly or had horrible actors. Convict had both, bad execution and horrible actors. The only person was decent was the old man (I can't remember his name) that hung with Ray (George Basha). To show you how bad this movie was, when Ray kisses his girlfriend it seems forced. There was no chemistry between the two, and I'm not sure who was worst at acting, him or her.I'm don't know how it got four out of five stars on Amazon Prime Video, but it's clear they rated by people that worked on production or paid reviewers. Even if you were in a cave for 20 years and this was the first movie you got to see, you wouldn't rate any higher than a 1 star, and that's only because you can't rate it a negative 0.


Wrongly convicted...check Sadistic warden...check Young kid that main character cares about...check Sadistic guards...check Old grizzled convict who befriends...check One guard who is not as crooked and tries to help...check Sodomy scene...check Multiple prison murders that no one questions...checkFilm follows every prison formula without adding any originality of its own.Acting is forced, with some characters blurting out dialogue like a high school play. Emotional range is very limited for all actors. Motivation for why the people are acting the way they are seems manufactured, not developed. In addition, several MAJOR plotlines introduced are either forgotten, or edited out, making you wonder about what happened to so-and-so. Just slight logic being used would make movie null and void.


Typical prison movie. Very slow moving but the plot eventually comes to a head. Main actor Ray performed well. I thought this was going to be a high octane prison movie however it moved so slow that after an hour or so I started jumping ahead as in, lets get to the point already. As for the remaining actors, they had simple lines with so so acting. In my opinion the inmates acted better than most of the main characters.


It was OK but nothing to write home about,I wouldn't run to family/friends to say its a must see !! Did anyone notice a few of the scenes,one part was him being beaten by the guards then washed with a power hose,with the guard saying to the other "what's the matter,don't like water" same scene in Rambo,First blood. Watch out for a couple of others during the movie,if you've watched a lot of movies in the 80's & 90's you'll notice them easily. If you have anything better to do,then do. This would be OK if your stuck inside on a rainy day with nothing to do,Its OK I suppose but don't rush.If your a real prison film type,then you'll enjoy it.The guy "ray" is good in his role but some of the giants he's fighting a bit far fetched.
