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Boston Girls

Boston Girls (2010)

January. 01,2010
| Horror Action Thriller

A pair of friends from Boston kick off their New Year by making a pact to murder the people who have mistreated them in this darkly comic thriller. When the slaughter starts, their ex-boyfriends will wish they'd been faithful.


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BOSTON GIRLS is a piece of junk that proves the film-making scene in Boston is completely dead. There's literally nothing going on in this amateur independent production, about a couple of ordinary women who decide to become serial killers and rid the city of its various vermin. The IMDb lists the genre as 'comedy, 'horror', and 'thriller', but really it's none of these things.Most of the production takes place at night in a variety of street-real locations. I appreciate the effort it must have taken to lug the camera, cast, and crew to these different places, but when the script is this poor it's inevitably a big waste of time. The acting is atrociously bad too, with only a couple of feeling-sorry-for-themselves faces in support, including a brief Danny Trejo and Robert Miano, the villain from the 1990s video game PHANTASMAGORIA. BOSTON GIRLS is a brain-dead film packed with mindless profanity and nothing else at all.


wish I could give it a zero, why, because besides being made in 2010 and Looking like it was done in the 70s, any IDIOTS who think that New York bad Bronx Accents are Boston accents, need their ears checked, sorry, was there anything worth saving this flick besides the annoying actors and actresses that were picked up in a local bar in Pawtucket or the Bronx, Nope, it gave trash a WHOLE new name, I have seen a lot of bad movies and usually there is something worth not trashing the film, but this one demanded it, love the trivia where they are complaining how cold it was, well last time I checked, its cold in Boston and Pawtucket in the winter, Next time make a flick in the summer and use real Bostonians, OK


This movie is rather like the French gem Baise Moi (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0249380/), although far less impressive.The Boston theme is quite prominent, apart from the title there's Boston-this and Boston-that all the time, including the accents employed by the actors.Camera work is "original" in that sometimes it uses a slightly skewed angle, and when the camera is moving the result is not very fluid.Otherwise this movie is entertaining enough. Girl murderers, police, cookies, some tits. No reason not to watch this if you're into this kind of thing.


Despite some hokey opening credits accompanied by a vulgar rap song, stay with it and you will find Boston Girls will soon throw you for a loop by being a complicated and original vigilante flick, like the movie Monster but times two. Two best friends, both rape victims, snap mentally. They make a list of all the cheaters and whores they can think of and then they proceed to kill them, one by one, as graphically as a low budget movie can depict. What makes this one exceptional over most slasher films is the quality of the acting, the complexity of the plot, the imagination of the camera work, the many levels of the characters, and the unexpected humor that will have you at times laughing out loud. Also, unlike a lot of similar horror movies, this one gets better instead of worse as it proceeds, picking up its creepy intensity as the story progresses. This is an unexpected joy ride of a independent film in vein of Q or They Live. Boston Girls is a diamond in the rough.
