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The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!

The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! (1997)

April. 25,1997
| Adventure Action TV Movie

Mama Josephine Max wants to build a theme park in Hazzard, right on the Duke family farm! To stop her, Bo and Luke have to win a cross-country moonshine race. Because that's how things get settled in Hazzard.


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Mark Honhorst

The dukes and all of their friends return to Hazzard county for a reunion festival, and have new adventures which include a predictable plot about a greedy woman who wants to buy Uncle Jesse's land, and plenty of car chases. Despite aging and deceased actors, this movie manages to retain most of it's original style. The characters still act like you would expect them to, and the action is as entertaining as ever. A special kudos can go out to the casting department for getting all of the original actors they could, and not trying to cover up Sorrell Burke's death by having another actor play Boss Hogg. That's pretty much all the good I can say for this movie. Other than that, Roscoe Coltrane just isn't as funny without his "little fat buddy" around to constantly harass and degrade him. It's not quite as funny to see him as the new "boss", although it is fitting for his character. Seeing him as a dimwitted sheriff was funnier. The other characters work better, but it's hard to see Denver Pyle struggle to say his lines with his impending death of lung cancer. And now the major flaw-Political Correctness. This movie, like many other TV shows and movies from the 90s, was injected with an overdose of pc. The "Tough Man" contest is changed to the "Tough Person" contest, there is a 100 pound blonde female wrestler who physically harms at least half the male cast, including her boyfriend, which Daisy seems to think is a victory for all women everywhere. The bad woman basically turns good in the end to avoid being arrested, while her male underlings learn nothing and are abused as a consequence. (One guy is even taken for a ride in the trunk of the General Lee. And in the end, Daisy decides not to marry poor Enos at their Wedding, just because she basically didn't feel like it. What a cop out! Geez, they might as well have removed the confederate flag from the General Lee!But the worst part is, there really isn't a whole lot of laughs. What made the original series so funny was Boss Hogg and Roscoe's banter- which, like I said before, can't be found in this movie. Anyhow, long-time fans who don't mind the PC, and are really interested in seeing what happened to the characters may find it entertaining. To anybody else, it's just a dumb, dumb movie.


I am a huge fan of the TV show, and as this movie was so similar, I enjoyed almost every minute of it. It was great to see Luke and Bo back and looking great - still the same old boys! Daisy was wonderful -a strong woman and still a lovely one. Enos came back! YAY! He and Daisy finally hooked up! YAY! Roscoe was himself too! Uncle Jesse was great as the head of the family - he will be missed. As is Boss - the pseudo-villainy of the man was missing from this, but Roscoe followed in his footsteps well.Warning: HERE BE SPOILERS!!! What I didn't like was that Daisy seemed to be flaky at the end. I never got that out of the TV show, and I really didn't think that she would break Enos' heart like that; just saying that she can't go through with the wedding because she saw her ex. She ought to know Enos is not like her ex. He was wonderful as the still loyal man.And my only question is - when are Bo and Luke going to get hitched? Some lucky girl out there is waiting to be a Mrs. Duke.


My 10-year old son and I just finished watching the reunion on CMT, and it's the second time i've seen it ... it was his first. i vaguely remembered not liking this reunion, now i remember. Enos and Daisy's marriage doesn't happen, Cooter's a Congressman? The main thing that really seems to bother me is that ONLY Bo drives the General Lee. Why is that? Did John Schneider's ego cause him to demand that in his contract? I've done some searching on the internet but i can't seem to find this discussed anywhere.The plot was predictably thin in regards to original content. But, how many of us were expecting earth-shattering suspense or mind-blowing changes?

bob the moo

Years after the family have grown up and gone their separate ways, Uncle Jessie organises a reunion to bring all the clan back together again for a party. Once Luke, Bo, Daisy and Cooter are all back he tells them that he needs help to fight a property developer who is trying to build a theme park on the swamp and build access across his property. The developer challenges the boys to a race – her stock car against theirs with the winner taking all. When Daisy makes a discovery that all may not be what it appears she is kidnapped – can the boys rescue Daisy and win the race?I watched the TV show when I was younger but I can't remember much beyond comedy lawmen, Daisy's body and car chase after car chase, so maybe this film wasn't aimed at me – but I watched it anyway. The reunion has a thin plot that is a little daffy but done with a slight bit of tongue in cheek. It gets a little stretched at times (the final race is a bit of a joke) as it takes on too many commitments without fitting them in well, but the light tone helps this.The comedy is gentle and helps the film generally. The car chases are quite basic but there are one or two moments where the stunt drivers deserve a lot of credit (a mid air collision is a high point) but the really cheap back projection spoils any illusion of who is in the cars for real. If you were looking for genuine tension or excitement then you're in the wrong place I'm afraid.The cast look genuinely happy to be back and there is a respectful tone for those who had died since the TV show wrapped – Booke's Boss Hog being the biggest loss I think. However everyone does what they are supposed to do. Uncle Jessie doesn't look that much older, Wopat and Schneider enjoy themselves and Bach still looks good despite not quite having the same body that she had as a youngster! Best reprises his role well and also covers for the loss of Booke. The addition of some martial arts action in the shape of Cynthia Rothrock adds a little spice to the mix and stops it becoming old too quickly.Overall this is all a bit silly and is probably best served to fans however there is enough fun here to justify those of us who watched the series but wouldn't call ourselves fans.
