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Battle Force

Battle Force (2012)

July. 01,2012
| Drama War

In the thick of WWII, the 1st Special Service Force unit is called to duty on a secret rescue mission. Challenged by Nazis at every turn, our band of heroes bunker in a bombed out city and race against time to relay a message that is crucial to the Allies invasion of Sicily. Cornered and caught between a rock and a hard place, they only have one option: fire more bullets!


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don't watch this if you know anything about WWII, military tactics, firearms, rank, insignias, know which way a swastika hangs, know there is a difference between the 101'st airborne and the 82nd airborne and members of the 82nd don't wear 101st patches or if it would bother you if you saw a new clean living room set in a bombed out WWII village. or , when concrete railroad ties started to be used on railroads. do watch this is you like cleavage and, in all fairness, there are two great hand to hand/knife fights in it. near the end of the movie our hero has to fight two bad guys, the spy and the guy protecting the spy. oh, and if you know your Vietnam war area military vehicles, close your eyes during the garrison scene.


It was like I was watching Hogan's Hero's. The difference was that Hogan's hero's was supposed to be funny, this movie was trying to be serious. The comic relief had a horrible southern accent. The terrain looked more like southern California instead of Italy. I just love how each person had about 5000 rounds of ammunition for each battle scene. In the movie there is a Nazi who stands still with a hand gun and 5 people are shooting at him with machine guns and never gets shot. Horrible movie. The only reason I kept watching was so that I could make fun of it and write a review. The "good guys" run across a stream with machine guns blazing and not one of them get hit. I think a 10 year old wrote the script.


to make a resume....they waste tons of ammo without anyone dying from gunfire. For God's sake, more people die from knifes and hand to hand combat that from bullets. From a point on, the movie is like looking at a a hall with sewing machines because everyone is firing their weapons and at some point (after 100-200 rounds) they remember they should reload. Pathetic. When they had to clear a village, each grunt got a house to clear if you can believe that so the team was separated all the time. Good one guys. Honestly, look at another movie...even looking at the sky seems a better deal than watching this movie. Even when the Germans make a fire barrage and shoot the good guys from the back they still don't get anyone. Oh, I almost forgot; in this movie they can shoot in bent trajectories; for who's interested in this, should check the first 5 minutes of the movie and see that the captain shoots from behind a rock and then advances to hide behind a bigger rock that was in front of his line of site previously.


Let me begin by stating I suffered permanent brain damage watching this film. Just a little warning before we begin.I appreciate the effort put into to making a film...I really do. Not much here to praise outside the competent camera work. This poor creature should be put down and given a decent burial.This film revolves around a group of 1st Special Service Force guys scoping out Sicily prior to the allied invasion. Hey guys, the 1st SSF was never used in Sicily since the unit was heading for the Aleutians at the time. If I'm wrong I apologize.The actors try hard. There just isn't much to work with. Watch for the largest 101st Airborne paratrooper in history. Probably took two chutes for him to make it to the ground safely. Check out the lip gloss on one of the partisan chicks. Very popular in Sicily at the time.The combat scenes, if you can call them that, are just awful. Come on guys, there has to be someone in California who did a hitch in the Army Infantry. A little tactical advice could have gone a long way.My suggestion is to dig up a copy of the "Devil's Brigade" with William Holden and watch that if you want a good war film with 1st Special Service Force action.
