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Bindlestiffs (2012)

January. 22,2012
| Adventure Action Comedy

Three high school virgins, suspended from school on a bogus graffiti charge, flee to the inner city in an attempt to live out the plot of The Catcher in the Rye - a book they neither have read nor understand. BINDLESTIFFS documents their struggles along the way as they surrender their virginities to vagrants, prostitutes, and crack fiends. Hot on their tail is Charlie, the deranged school security guard. Under the impression that the boys are planning a school shooting, he takes the law into his own hands to stop them and save America.


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I can kinda guess why Kevin Smith would highly recommend this movie from his company Smodcast Pictures. But this is just a immature movie with 3 virgin kids that act brash and immature without being all that funny. Kevin Smith calls this movie a comedic genius but it's far from it. Some people might compare this movie to "Superbad" but it reminded me more of the movie "The Virginity Hit" which is another crappy movie that is just crude. Being crude is fine if it's funny in movies in my book but that doesn't apply to this movie. I am impressed when a movie tends to entertain with just literally a shoe string budget but this didn't impress me at all. I guess I didn't get angry at how bad this movie is, but was pretty much bored watching this movie. It's just a crude movie that tries really really hard to be funny with pretty bad actors. In fact I highly doubt these guys will make it to the big screen as one of the main character in other project they might end up in. And that is if they end up in another project and if so it's probably going to be another very very low budget indie movie.3.6/10


I'm a Kevin Smith fan. I grew up watching Mall Rats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and the like. So when I saw Kevin mention this on his AMA on Reddit and then later that same day saw it at a Redbox, I thought, "What great luck!" I was extremely disappointed. It's honestly one of the worst movies I've seen. It ranks right up there with Boondock Saints II. I actually watched 30 minutes or so of the movie on fast forward because I wanted to know what happened in the end without having to watch more of the terrible acting, listening to the disgusting and contrived dialogue, and getting dizzy from the shaky camera work. The movie is poorly shot and made. It looks, sounds, and feels like a C level movie. I used a promo code at the Redbox and still feel like I paid too much for this movie aka an hour or so of my life. I'm writing this because it was so awful that I feel the need to dissuade others from seeing it. I mean, I typed this whole thing out on an iPod because this movie is that bad. Don't see for yourself.


Three high-school students after getting expelled decide to stage a weekend of debauchery that includes, but not limited to, homeless sex, losing virginity, and drinking. It's surprisingly awful in how mindblowingly bad it is.Well if this was Kevin Smith's Smodcast's first film to come out on the label, he should just pack it up now as this movie was 50 shades of awful. It felt like a rejected very long "Whitest Kids You Know" sketch, minus the humor, wit, and good acting of that aforementioned show of course. Don't believe the glowing reviews as they're likely from rabid KS fans, of which, truth be tod,, I used to be one of.


This movie is funny somehow. But it's exactly like those movies we made with friends on VHS when we were 16. The writer/producer/director is one of the 3 kids. the one that has a strange face ( he speaks with the mouth on the left). Now about the story it's very dumb . I mean if you want a situation to be funny you have to make the spectator believe the situation is real and then there's a twist and it's funny. In this movie nothing can be understand as real. For instance kids of 16-17 who actually believe a girl can be pregnant because she throws up 1 hour after sex is just dumb not funny. It's the kind of thing you think is funny when you do it with friends but when others watch it you understand it's not. So I wish you good luck for real movies later ( yeah I know you'r reading this ).
