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Legend of the Mummy

Legend of the Mummy (1998)

March. 30,1998
| Horror

Louis Gossett Jr., Richard Karn, and Amy Locane star in this supernatural horror tale about a mummy with a heart that bears a power beyond that of our world. When the mummy attacks archaeologist Dr. Trelawny, his colleagues have to trace the source of the ghoul's power and find a way to stop it.


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Nigel P

If ever there was a curse on a project, it was surely cast upon Bram Stoker's 'The Jewel of Seven Stars', for the film adaptions of this story have been ill-fated and, for the most part, disappointing in their execution.This is sadly no exception. A sprawling story anyway, this adaption seems to go to great pains to complicate events further with flashbacks, unclear narrative and characters it is impossible to care about. The production has dated more than many others; it's not obvious that the 1990's had a 'look' (unlike the garish '80's or the flares and collars of the '70's), but 'Legend of the Mummy' proves that it had and possesses that 'look' in spades. It appears the designers took their inspiration from daytime US soap operas.The mummy itself gets scant screen-time and is often filmed in extreme close-up, so we only get a glimpse of a hand or a bandaged jaw. It spends most of the film 'stirring into life' so we spend far too long with bland characters and the running time seems to last a lot longer than 96 minutes, despite the musical score's attempts to convince us exciting things are happening. By the fourth or fifth time the creature seems about to go on a rampage, my enthusiasm has been strained.There are some good set-pieces and some others that don't convince, and there are moments when thing seem at last to be building up some tension. This is always short-lived, though, and the finale, when we get there, is something of a mercy.

Steve Myers

I bought this film cheap and boy am I glad I did. I don't think I'm including any spoilers by telling you it's the story of a mummy who wants to come back to life and spends the best part of 90 minutes trying to do so. The film is full of people you kind of know from other things, and I spent a much more lucrative time looking them up on Google than I did watching their performances. There's really not too much to say about the film - it's supposed to be based on Bram Stoker's novel, but there's no coherent story here. All the characters seem to be in different stories, and I don't know why it has an 18 certificate (except for a slightly explicit sex scene at the end). The horror is incredibly underplayed and every time you think the film is leading up to something, it shies away at the end. A dull horror film - can there be any worse? It's the kind of film you and a few buddies might enjoy whilst splitting a pizza and a few bevvies, but it's not even up there with the really good bad films. Lou Gossett Jr chews the scenery a bit, but even he seems to know he's in a prize thanksgiving turkey. A case of take the mummy and run methinks.


I watched this piece of sh*t last night and it is one of the few movies that bored me to tears. Where do I start? There is so many awful things with this movie I'm at a loss of words. I felt so bored i could of reached across the television screen and literally strangled somebody myself especially the actress.This is one of those movies you care nothing about the characters in fact you wish they'd hurry up and die. None of the deaths were remotely interesting. Well,there was that dude that got stuck in this quick sand like sh*t and got eaten alive by those big hissing cockroaches that they serve on Fear Factor all the time. The death wasn't gory nor was it scary but out of all the deaths in the movies is the best one.I can't think of a god d@mn good thing to say about this movie. I am disappointed in Louis Gossett Jr. Is he that hard up for cash? The 80s were a boom time for him...An Officer and a gentlemen,Enemy mine and a few other good movies to this. If I was hired to act in this piece of crap I wouldn't use my real name or main alias. In fact I don't think I'd want to be credited for this. Yes,the movie is that bad. It's not one of those flicks either that is so bad it's good. It's just plain bad. I have never in my life been so bored after almost 2 hours. I felt like offing myself just to end the terrible pain of this movie.Why is this movie bad you ask,I as a horror movie fan will tell you....1) Bad writing,I can't think of a lamer yet overused plot as this. How many Mummy movies is there? Too many too count. Couldn't they try to be original or were they going for the boring est movie of all time. Those writers deserve to be shot for putting such crap upon us viewers.2) Bad casting. Louis Gossett Jr must have been hard up to be reduced to such a crap-fest. I've seen better acting from chimps. That actress was so terrible,everyone else sucked...some of them look embarrassed to be in it.3) No suspense...No thrills...No gore....enough said.4) No good special effects...all on a very cheaply made budget. Has Hollywood no shame? I could go on and on about how this movie sucked ass but I won't. It's one of those movies you never want to see again and I can safely say I never will watch it again. How dare HBO put on such crap?


What a load of toilet this film was. I've seen it twice now and I really cant say anything nice about it other than the sex scenes were okay - but more on that in a moment.Based on Bram Stoker's novel The Jewel of the Seven Stars (itself not a very interesting book) this tells the story of blah blah blah. Quite frankly, after ten minutes I couldn't care less. The acting is total nosh and you never really understand anything that goes on.*** Now for Spoilers *** Now the sex scenes: how can that fat bloke pull so many babes? Come on, they're only fillers to keep you from turning off.And what's with that humping in the bath got to do with anything? Why is that maid spying? Who is getting rogered in the tub? And why does the door handle bleed? If you're thinking about this film, just don't. Get the slightly better (but not by much) Hammer Horror Blood From the Mummy's Tomb.
