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Terror Tract

Terror Tract (2000)

October. 18,2000
| Horror Comedy Thriller

A real estate agent terrifies a couple with the grim fates of the previous owners of a house they're looking at.


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Claudio Carvalho

The suburban real estate agent Bob Carter (John Ritter) is driving the newlywed Allen Doyle (David DeLuise) and his wife Mary Ann Doyle (Allison Smith) through a suburban area expecting to sell a house to them. While showing the houses, his clients asks for full disclosure about each house and Carter is forced to tell the frightful truth about each house. In the end, Mary Ann knows the neighborhood. "Terror Tract" is an excellent horror film with a lead storyline and three segments. "Nightmare", "Bobo" and come to Granny" are highly entertaining and the lead segment "Make Me an Offer" has a surprising and hilarious conclusion. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "A Casa do Terror Tract" ("The House of the Terror Tract")


Another anthology which is stable as more of dark comedy Horror movie A a real-estate agent (Played by Late John" Ritter trying to sell a variety of houses to a young couple;They 3 different house and they all seem have very Dark Pass! (The first House) "Nightmare" A man catches is wife sleeping another, soon thing happen, when tries to revenge on her boyfriend, soon what thing lead to another, some one killed, that body was sleeping with the fishes. This segment started of really well but as the it's went down hill really quick .There some decent scenes that could have been really creepy but so many of those ending being fake scare. When any another scary scenes happen you already know that already try to creep out with also the same scenes twice , one tiny thing changes in those scene, Its got boring, I didn't really care the near the end of this story, Decent story but ruined by to many fake scare too close to each other! 4/10After hearing that Story, the young couple didn't what to buy this house, so go to other house, which they love Until Man tells them story about this house "Bobo," Normal nice family father and daughter getting along really well, until she finds the monkey in the tree. She ask her dad to keep it but some the Monkey hates everyone but the girl, The Dad not happy at all, Daughter is acting like a right brat, who should be slap too next year! Never mind go to her room The monkey soon start attacking but it's shame with only see aftermath of monkey, we don't see he attack in first few animals and people its kills. At end, we do see attack one person in the movie, which far to late the story, I thought attack was decent. This never really had ending, never see what happens in end of story, we only gun shot but dad was not holding the gun. The acting was really good in this story from whole cast!6/10 Again Young couple pass on this house And they go too next house Come To Granny" Teenager who seem have psychic abilities and he goes to see a therapist, he tells her he as crazy visions in which he sees the Granny killer killing his victims. (Granny mask was very cool and funny in way). When he gets these Visions is starts having a fit (Which was poorly acted in flash back) then he warns her that she next Victim of the Granny killer. This one was Decent story but very predicable and some of worst acted segment in this movie and I didn't like the Idea of Granny kill Mask. 4 out of 10 The couple refusing to buy any of the houses, The estate agent goes mad and snaps! soon things turns nasty. The last scenes was bloody funny, the whole neighbour hood was crazy, every house some thing bad was going on.I give this movie 7 out of 10


John Ritter plays a real estate agent who takes his job very seriously. He discloses all the gory details of three houses to the interested party. A cheating wife killed by the husband she thought was dead. A pet monkey that kills an entire family. A serial killer who dresses as a granny, but ain't no senior citizen. But the movie is surprisingly dull considering that a killer monkey and buckets of blood are involved. The end is the real treat. The couple decide that they don't want to live there, but John Ritter's boss(Satan?) wants new tenants. He tries to convince them by stabbing the husband with a pen. They run out side to see the pristine houses they passed on their way in are now the scenes of vicious killings and massive explosions. The three stories may be old and kinda dull, but the ending is worth the wait.


If you're a fan of searching through "B" movies and finding those rare ones with true "gem" moments, have a look. John Ritter truly makes this film. His segment has the most laughs, and the best tongue-in-cheek delivery. The story that ties the three sub-features together is actually the best one. Format-wise, this is purely Tales From the Dark Side. One segment ties three 30-minute shorts together, and much fun is had by all. Hokey horror and fun ensues. Segment 1 is the weakest of the bunch, but still has a few moments to keep things lively. Segment two is supported both by a notable appearance (Bryan Cranston, father on Malcolm In the Middle) and by a hilariously preposterous evil villain. Segment three is the creepiest of the bunch, and uses classic thriller/horror tricks without concerning itself with an explanation or a payoff, much like the early fifties Twilight Zone episodes. Personally, my favourite moment is the opening credit sequence, which stands tall among "b" movie setups. But it's still a bad movie...
