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Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting (1997)

December. 05,1997
| Drama

When professors discover that an aimless janitor is also a math genius, a therapist helps the young man confront the demons that are holding him back.


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358/5000 This movie makes us think well in our future. We can have the facilities and not use them correctly, even if it seems the best for everyone else. We have to focus on something that makes us feel happy and complete. For we can, under any circumstances, use them to our advantage. So that's what I learned from Will and the psychologist.


Some of my all-time favorite movie scenes come from this movie. There are amazing messages and themes regarding socioeconomics, talent, love, etc. All of these aspects of life are intertwined into one, beautifully written movie. Countless insights on these aforementioned aspects that I had never thought about were presented in this movie; so in a way this movie changed my view on life to a certain extent. Robin Williams is moving as always, and I believe this is his best role. The sum of extraordinary scenes produces my favorite movie of all time. Not to mention the story of how this movie was written. Pure genius.


The genius of 'Good Will Hunting (1997)' isn't in its plotting or its resolution or even its character arcs per say (which are all a little formulaic or clichéd to an extent), but rather in the nuanced and realistic journey that that these almost fully-formed people take to reach the conclusions you know they eventually will. The two central performances are nothing short of phenomenal. Williams' subtly wise and humorous demeanour exudes fatherly knowledge as a man of experience and Damon's frustratingly yet understandably closed-off defensiveness makes his inevitable emotional release truly powerful. The writing rounds them off in ways which make them feel honest, imperfect and, most importantly, real. 8/10


This movie has a lot of talking. For those who doesn't like movie which has it's power on the narrative and dialogue, this movie just doesn't for you. However, if you just sit down for two hours and pay attention to the story, you will definitely be touched. Good Will Hunting is uplifting but in the same time heart-breaking. The portrayal of Will Hunting is just so REAL, I am sure that many people are related to his personality and character, and so do I. For those who has a bad past in their life, and became more defensive and always pretending that you are a strong and complete person, please watch this movie. This will open your eyes, that sometimes you just have to lower your pride and ego, and be opened to other people so they can help you.
