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Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke

Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke (2003)

April. 25,2003
| Action TV Movie

When the dam in the town of Rutland starts to show signs of wear. David Powell, the architect who originally worked on the dam but was removed and who left town after he was black balled by Walker, the man who only cares about making a profit; returns. He insists that the dam be drained and inspected but Walker claims it would take too long and would be too costly. David goes to the dam and notices a few anomalies. He then tries to warn the deputy mayor who happens to be his estranged wife but out of anger she refuses to listen. Also David tries to reconnect with his son who resents his desertion.


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I suppose I SHOULD include a -spoiler warning-.First off, I lived in Rutland for nine years (taking care of an elderly parent).It's really an awful town. Calling it the vermin infested crotch of New England would not be too unkind.So with every Edgewood/Porchlight film that destroyed Rutland shown on PAX-TV, I was cheering.But this film, Jeebus! There's no place anywhere NEAR Rutland where you could put a dam, OR the reservoir that would back up behind the dam.This is the kind of film that Mystery Science Theater 3000 would have brutally eviscerated. The effects were pathetic, as was the story and acting.All in all, just don't even bother.And to the gentleman in the U.K., really, you should have broken the disk in half before you binned it. There's a slight chance the dustman might have spotted it, thought to himself, "My lucky day! A free movie!" brought it home, viewed it, and then, realizing he was that much closer to the grave, bitterly regretting losing that 90 minutes of his life, 90 minutes he will never get back and has now sworn vengeance upon the person who binned that DVD.Yeah, it's THAT BAD!


i though this film was okay.i din't think it was great.it was a bit too slow for my taste.lots of drama,but not very much action until close to the end of the film.this movie was basically a dramatic film,with the payoff,if you can call it that,not until near the end.to me,the scenes of the dam bursting and the water flooding the town,were okay,but much too brief.the film itself is done okay,the acting is decent,but it just didn't do it for me,in the long run.think it had something to do with the fact that there was very little suspense or tension built through the whole movie.at least that's what i think.the other factor is that i had just recently watched '10.5' and its sequel '10.5:Apocalypse'.these are 2 big budget "event movies,which,in my opinion, are a very hard act to follow,in terms of special effects and scenes of destruction.as a result,i have to rate Killer Flood:the Day the Damn Broke at 4/10

Robert Napier

This movie doesn't even have the saving grace of being so bad that its good. It is truly appalling. Its closer to a tongue-in-cheek parody than a disaster movie, but alas they were serious. Made for TV, but not worthy of even that. It contains every cliché and cheesy plot moment you can imagine. Oh will he save the town from the flood? Will his wife admit that she still loves him? Will they escape before the flood drowns them? I cant explain how bad this is. Awful predictable plot that makes you wince it is so cheesy. Bad Effects (although to be fair I have seen worse super-imposed bubbling water). Bad script. Woeful acting. Hideous. So bad in fact that you probably should get drunk and watch it.


Why can't there be better TV movies made I was at a loose end today and watched this film on a satellite channel in the UK. What a terrible waste of my time it was . Poor sets, Poor acting & Oh my god what a terrible flood . Blimey that woman can even outrun a torrent of water too!.I really wish that people would make TV movies using better effects, better or at least more believable plots & far better acting. Killer Flood is well up there with poor acting. A few bits of ham couldn't act any worse.1 final thing I really agree with the comment about the dog, but I believe it would of already scarpered in real life!
