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Rennie's Landing

Rennie's Landing (2001)

June. 15,2001
| Drama Action Comedy

Life is hard. You can't always get what you want. but Alec Nichols has a plan to change all that. It involves his three friends, a bank and five million bucks. Together they swear to risk it all. But is the payoff worth it when there's no turning back?


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The worst thing I can say about this movie is that the plot reminded me of the story that Chevy Chase's character was writing in FUNNY FARM (a very funny film for those who like Chevy Chase humor). That is, there's not much original to the plot, and it's delivered in a rather clumsy way.That said, I could see what the writer/director was trying for, and appreciated the attempt. This appreciation was bolstered by the great acting, which really carried the film. I was not familiar with more than two of the actors who made cameos (Garner and the old guy, who's name escapes me), so I wasn't distracted by knowing where they are today (doing fairly well on television, it seems).I won't go into details of the plot, as there are several reviewers that have already covered the main beats, and the subsequent problems. However, the dialog and direction was decent enough, the cinematography and camera movement excellent, and the acting superb. I was expecting a train wreck, but was pleasantly surprised, and even though a portion of the ending left me a bit let down (the reveal is not handled as well as it could have been...and degrades the story up until that point), the overall tenor and message was something that many of today's films don't succeed at, if they even try.I am a person who will turn off a DVD, or walk out of a film, if I don't enjoy it. I watched this through to the end, because I found the actors enthralling, and their characters well developed. And as far as story and the rest, it's certainly on a par with most everything else released by major studios.


This was such a great movie! i bought the dvd because it had such a great cast line up and i love ethan embry but i did not think i would like it that much. it is such a great movie! wow is all that i can say. why is this not a more popular movie. i bought it at my video store . i had never even heard of it. that is ashame because this is a excellent movie and now one of my all time favorites. the ending was great because it was not a typical sad ending. well it was still sad but not in the way you expected. the cast was excellent! great jobs by everyone in this movie which is hard to say about alot of movies. i recommend this movie to everyone. you will not be sorry. a must see film.


I don't understand how this movie wasn't released until now. Incredible movie, great story, amazing cast. Possibly my favorite performance from Ethan Embry [and I've seen nearly everything he's done]. Peter Facinelli shows he has more talent then he showed on Fastlane.And Jeff Anderson!! Heck yeah!! Randal pops up for a quick scene :D


I know, it's not rare to see really small movies with developed, interesting characters and a great storyline in theaters, but I wish some of them didn't slip through the Hollywood cracks so easily. This movie is so great, and I can't even pick a specific reason why. While not Oscar-worthy, I just liked all of it: the characters, the performances, the photography, the editing, the story, everything. Not to mention that it's thought-provoking, which is more than I can say for the majority of movies with wide releases. Movies like this are perfect examples for why independent movies need to paid more respect than they are.
