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Trinity (2003)

March. 03,2003
| Action Science Fiction

In a remote arctic research station, government agents Brach and Schiller discover the mysterious genetic scientist Dr. Clerval. A psychological chess game ensues. What links Schiller to Clerval's genetics program? What secrets does Brach harbour? And is Clerval really who he says he is?


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Typical slow, boring, badly written and acted movie that idiots will over-praise because they confuse dull with intellectual. The "psychological cat and mouse game" consists of endlessly boring, repetitive dialog and people acting one way and then another for no reason."You were in love with him" "No, I wasn't" "Yes, you were." "No, I wasn't" "Yes, you were"That's the level of the supposed "mind games" being played here.In the end, the whole movie ends up being just another example of the disgusting sexist cliché about a woman falling in love with her rapist.


Trinity is a curious movie for several reasons. On a practical level, it's curious because, although it was completed in 2001, it has yet to achieve a wide release either at the cinemas or on DVD. On the level of content, it is even more of a mystery.The film has many of the elements of a stage play: closed, intimate setting; a few characters who we get to know in great depth; concentration on dialogue; and intense performances from each of its three central cast members (Tom McCamus, Stephen Moyer, and Lucy Akhurst). However, its look is nothing that could ever be achieved on stage. Despite the low budget and limited locations, Trinity still looks and feels like a work of art.In some ways it reminded me of the archetypal low-budget success story Cube, with its atmospheric changes of lighting, claustrophobic rooms, and sense of mystery. Trinity, however, is a much more personal, internal film. There is no external challenge to be faced, no race to get out of the Cube or to survive. The challenges the characters face are their personal demons, and their reasons for being there in the first place.Although personal demons are not generally the most cinematic or visually interesting subjects of film, each of the three actors convincingly portrays the many sides of their characters. Akhurst is full of tormented rage, and McCamus dangerously quiet. Moyer in some ways has the thankless role of the piece, attempting to insert a voice of reason and normalcy into the situation, until he too is revealed as more than was initially suspected.Trinity offers no easy answers, and much of the film serves to continually question the characters and their motives, rather than to resolve any issues. However, it is very much a film that begs to be examined more closely, rather than given up out of frustration. Hopefully it will soon get a wider release, and be given the attention and critical respect it merits.


This may not be the most polished film ever made nor is it the most exciting but I really liked it. The slow pacing will probably irritate a lot of people but that's where it scores. True it is one big tease from start to finish but I couldn't help watching just to see where it was going to end up and I for one wasn't disappointed. They obviously didn't have much money but they covered it up well and for a cheapie it looks great. It's directed well and the performances are uniformly very good, particularly Tom McCamus. Nice music, good editing all add up to a very moody piece and the film is different, maybe too different for most people because it's tough to get a handle on what it is. I'd give it 10 for effort and 7 for attainment. If you're in the mood for something quiet and disturbing then have a look. If you want a big bang then i'd forget it.


Nicely shot, well lit and great music. I'd love to write some more positives, but I'm struggling to find them. I think the script is mainly at fault - it disobeys most of the screenwriting rules (fair enough if the final product works, not if it bores you to tears) and doesn't offer the viewer enough to hold their interest. At the end of the day, there aren't many films you can return to after taking a leak and not realise that's it's still paused for 10 seconds.
