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Horrors of War

Horrors of War (2006)

March. 25,2006
| Horror Action Thriller

HORRORS OF WAR derives from the "B" movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.......FILM SYNOPSIS: 'Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized


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Jason Russell

Mr Dark's Film Review: Horrors Of War 2006 UPDATED Horror's Of War or Horror's Of Run Time? Film Review NO SPOILERS!!I have decided to update this review due to the amount of turmoil it has caused with the filmmaker. This particular indie film was held in a little higher anticipation due to the fact that the filmmaker also has a show called FRAMELINES which he attempts on public access television to make better films. So it stands to reason that someone who would have a show about making films and is really good at tooting their own horn, would be able to produce a pretty good and better than average independent film. I mean wouldn't you say? That was my reasoning. I have no animosity towards this filmmaker, in fact I do not even know them, and aside from the fact that he went on a public group forum and proceeded to argue with me about the review. I felt the review was in need of an update as this person seems to think it was personal. I will point out that this film came out several years ago, but it was locally produced in the area and with a local artist to boot. So the age of the film is irrelevant. What is relevant is that it was made and if it is worth watching or not. The period gear was OK. the cinematography was just simply not very good. All of the CGI was bad. All of the acting was bad. I thought the building scene with the zombie attack was poorly done. When the creature turns its head you can clearly see the makeup applications. It was just a really poorly done film and now on to the original review....OK so I had seen this film's cover at a half price book store or something before, and I feel terribly sorry for whoever bought it in the first place and then was only able to recoup whatever half price bookstore offered them for this royal nugget of silliness. If you think I do not have anything good to say about this film, then you are correct. It has shitty cheap looking CGI, it has the worst acting you have ever seen. I mean really, and I think they were intentionally playing some of it off to try and do a hybrid updated version of an old 1950s style b movie late night style flick. However what they failed to realize is that a lot of those films are actually pretty good, and they certainly have much better acting. I just feel sorry for anyone who invested in this hybrid Wolfenstein wanna be piece of crap. I mean seriously folks, there is just nothing but a bunch of talk scenes, a little crappy CGI, and a whole lot of stupidity in this film I am afraid. I am sorry but this is just exactly the same sort of film I have been talking about and why we need reform in indie film. You make a crappy film and you need to be held accountable. It is because we allow crappy films like this to be made and then we go on and pat the guys back even though it is an unwatchable piece of garbage. I mean I am sorry there was just no redeeming qualities about this one. It is exactly the type of film I have been criticizing that Ohio doesn't need to be making. Or anywhere else for that matter. If you are an indie filmmaker and you made a film like this, then you should probably find another avenue to work in. If you are a consumer, then please don't bother with this one. It is a serious snoozer. I usually have something good to say, but really this is just the sort of indie film I am sick of seeing. Ed Wood made better films than this, much more enjoyable anyway. so rent Plan 9 From Outer Space, or the other throwback film that came out in recent years Alien Trespass. I will review that one here in the near future for you. P.S. If you happen to read any of the comments posted please understand my responses are from 48 hours worth of dealing with 40 plus private messages and continued harassment from the people who made the film and their friends.Scott Spears said this to me in an email "But, the filmmaking community in Ohio is very small and if you hope to continue to work it in, I'd refrain from posting reviews like this. You've heard the old adage, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." So as you can see that is a veiled threat. There are no contextual problems. that is merely a blatant veiled threat so you can see what I have dealt with for 2 days. I am tired of their responses. It is a legitimate film review and if you want good reviews then make good films Bottom Line. Click on Mr. Dark's Photo for a link to the trailer for this horrendous tragedy.


Horrors of War isn't a great film, I think everyone can agree. However, there ARE redeeming qualities.Most of the acting is decent, a fair amount of the "non-fantastical" story line is a bit deeper than a lot of people realize, and the special effects are pretty darned good for a low budget film. Of course, some of the look of the film is due to the use of military re-enactors, and that adds a lot of authenticity to the film. Yes, there are shortcomings, but for a first-time feature as complex as this and with such a low budget, I'd say it was a success.This film may possibly be most interesting to budding filmmakers out there, who can see what's possible with some creativity and a lot of sweat. If you can, check out the behind-the-scenes videos online and you'll learn about some of what went in to making the film, and some of the decisions that had to be made on the fly. You really should check these videos out online if you want to learn a bit about your craft.


when i first bought the movie, i was encouraged by it's front picture and the 4 awards on it! i knew it was low budget but the sight of Hitler and the march of his soldiers was tempting... any way, i watched it and then got depressed for 4 days straight... it's an awful movie with the same scene repeating itself and with monster/zombie masks as if it was 50 yrs ago! i really liked the doctor who is by far the worst actor in the world.. who doesn't know how to cough.. i am able to make a better movie with only a few of my friends, a camera , some masks and guns ,and not more then 5000 dollars :) p.s: the only way a person would watch this movie is because of the picture on the cover :S


This movie really is the pits. I don't know if a load of college gin-ks have got together to make this pile of half sun-baked dog dirt but it really is truly painful to watch. We see from the start of the film some edgy CGI war plane effects, followed by a load of greased-up unknown actors in dodgy war clothes prancing up and down in what looks like someone's back garden or a public park, to some very dodgy hand grenade explosions and fire crackers from all the toy guns everyone is holding. They look like a bunch of weekend warriors. There are some occasional nice cool acting scenes but only sporadically and these are generally followed by cheesy one liners such as "Sir, I think there is another one!" Keep an eye on the graveyard and you'll notice some of the grave stones wobble about like polystyrene blocks when the actors fall behind them, probably because they are just that. The editing is just as painful and the watcher finds it difficult to assess the scenes that are amateurishly put together becoming lost in the boring and pointless plot. The "monsters" are not scary and look like something out of the local amateur dramatics society...cheap looking face masks and all! This is one movie to avoid. Only watch if you are a die hard weekend warrior or 'B' movie fan . Ouch! Where is the aspirin?
