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I Got the Hook-Up

I Got the Hook-Up (1998)

May. 27,1998
| Action Comedy

Two broke buddies feel lucky when they come upon a truckload of cellular phones and begin selling them out of the back of their van. Trouble arises though, when the phones develop faults. The two friends then not only have to deal with unsatisfied customers but also the FBI.


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I watched this piece of BS, and I was truly ashamed. Every other word was "MF" this, "Ho" that, "B****" this. You don't need to go to such extremes to try to be funny...and if you feel you must go to those extremes, you are in the wrong business. Nothing is wrong with ghetto-humor, but this one goes too far. The language was appalling, the situations and plots were not well developed. This was simply regular old, bad taste, low brow humor...bottom of the barrel. I suppose it has its audience, but did we come up 150 years from slavery to arrive here? I hope not. Movies of this sort should not even serve as a way station. Movies like this have to be the exception...not the rule. We can do way,way better than this. This movie belongs in the trash, and I cannot, in good conscience, recommend it to anyone...especially anyone who has children.


I've seen more than my share of bad movies. I've seen my share, your share, probably your dad's share too. And the lady who delivers your mail Monday through Friday, the one who sometimes waves to you when you're out waiting for your dog to take a shizer, I've definitely seen her share. I went to see Master P's "I Got The Hook Up" in 1998 after reading a review in the arts section of the local newspaper, a review not unlike the negative ones here on IMDb. It declared "Hook Up" to be the absolute worst film the critic had ever seen, and set about quoting some of the supposedly awful lines from the movie. It was upon reading these quotes that I decided I had to go see this flick immediately. If you laughed at "Friday", there's absolutely no reason you won't laugh at "I Got The Hook Up". It's cut from the same cloth and features a few of the same key cast members as well. The cinematography and overall look of the film are surprisingly impressive as well (the production value is actually better than "Friday"). But the greatest part of this film is the dialog and characters. At times, it almost feels like they cast hilarious people and just let them say whatever they wanted. The fact IMDb didn't have ANY "memorable quotes" listed for this movie tells me it is truly under-appreciated. I added several of my favorite lines in hopes that some of you guys might laugh and check out this film.


This is definitely one of those movies just to watch to see how bad it is. I'm not too sure if you'll be laughing at it, or laughing with it, but the scenarios are ridiculous (including retarded gangsters trying to ride their bicycles and talk on the cellphone at the same time), the acting is pretty horrible (although Master P's vocabulary primarily consists of Uuuuuuuuugh anyway), and there's gratuitous shots of just about anything that doesn't help the continuity of the movie. Next to "Dolemite II: The Human Tornado", this is probably the funniest movie that its only humor is derived from the horribleness of the movie.


I thought this movie was damn hilarious. I watched it three times. What was so bad about this movie everyone? It's a comedy so that should immediately puts it into the crap movie category. But I found it extremely funny - something 90% of comedies are not. I suppose you'd rather have a rib splitting time watching "What Women Want" or some other made-for-chicks romantic puke-fest like that. I can't beleive you are talking about acting ability. Master P seemed to me to be pretty much just acting as he might in real life - which is why he is in the movie. I generally think gansta rappers make pretty good actors because they just act themselves. The laugh value in this film came from the homie attitude and dialogue etc. I listen to NWA etc, coz it makes me pee myself laughing; it's pure black comedy (no pun...). It's the same reason the little kiddies listen to Slim Shady. If you are someone who finds this blatant rudism offensive then what the hell are you doing watching this movie. Here's some reasons you may not have enjoyed the movie:1) You are female - sorry; completely incompatible with this harsh form of comedy. 2) You have never listened to any gansta rap - I guess Robbie Williams might be a better actor for you "guys". 3) You listen to gansta rap, but you actually take it seriously - I doubt this is possible. It's all the white boys like me who like that music - we absolutely wet ourselves with laughter. All the real black homies listen to Slow Jams and R and B. (shudder)...So if this is you, you've learnt a lesson. Stay clear of this music or movie style in future and stop whinging.
