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Season 4

The Murder Tapes Season 4

November. 18,2020
| Crime Documentary

Incorporating bodycam footage from the initial crime scene, surveillance video, and interrogation room recordings, homicide investigations unfold through dramatic real video footage providing an up-close perspective on homicide investigations.


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The Murder Tapes Season 4 Full Episode Guide

Episode 10 - The Girl in the Crowd
First Aired: January. 27,2021

What starts out as a calm night at the American Legion in Evansville, Indiana, quickly takes a turn when Anthony Blaylock is shot dead. But when detectives obtain video surveillance showing who is responsible, they stop at nothing to find his killer.

Episode 9 - This Guy's Getting Paranoid
First Aired: January. 20,2021

Roaa Al-Dhanoon has disappeared. What begins as a missing persons case, takes a turn by someone who is closest to her. Now, detectives must unravel a complex web of deceit that continues to strike fear throughout the devastated community.

Episode 8 - Episode 8
First Aired: January. 01,0001

Episode 7 - Episode 7
First Aired: January. 01,0001

Episode 6 - The Last Laugh
First Aired: December. 30,2020

What appears to be a missing person's case, takes a stunning turn when very different portraits of her are revealed. Now, detectives must weed through a series of tangled relationships to uncover where Dawn has been all along.

Episode 5 - Episode 5
First Aired: December. 16,2020

Episode 4 - Episode 4
First Aired: December. 09,2020

Episode 3 - Episode 3
First Aired: December. 02,2020

Episode 2 - He's Not Going to Stop
First Aired: November. 25,2020

A spree shooter is on the loose in Scottsdale, and the entire city holds its breath while waiting for the culprit to be identified. Bodycam footage captures the tension as police try to nab a killer who always seems to be one step ahead.

Episode 1 - The Back of the Shed
First Aired: November. 18,2020

A backyard shed in a Michigan trailer park holds the answers to a dark secret regarding a missing teenage couple. Police interview their families, but one member is evasive, deepening the mystery and setting off a covert manhunt across the Midwest.


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