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Android Apocalypse

Android Apocalypse (2006)

June. 24,2006
| Science Fiction

Machines have taken over, but left humans thinking that they are still the ones in charge. The androids need humans because of the human brain fluid; without it the android brains can't work. Until the mad scientist finds out how to make this brain fluid artificially that is.


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After the first five minutes, I could tell this movie was going to be bad. The acting was poor, the writing was poor, the musical score was terrible and the special effects were poor. But to give it a fair review, I had to watch the whole thing. It didn't get much better, although the three main characters were somewhat believable.Set in the future, where mankind is living in a shielded city, (SPOILERS) a man loses his job to an android and later "kills" an android. He has to set aside his hatred when he is shackled to another android and they escape a prison transport. To make it across the desert, they have to work together. The plot advances without surprises....Give this movie a miss, unless you really have a thing for unknown actors trying to act like androids.


I was expecting little, seeing as how awful a lot of SyFy original movies are. Actually while not great, Android Apocalypse is not that bad. It does have a lot of flaws, which I sensed were going to be there. The CGI has been worse before and since but definitely could've done with more clarity and believability, they did look flat and fake-looking. I do agree also about the set design, they don't look bad and are decently lit but they are never authentic, when you should see a prison, then one you should see, not what looks like a factory. The writing is rather shallow and cheesy, and again never feels natural in how it flows, while the story is structurally thin with a lot of the action unexciting and the final twenty minutes were far too overly-silly for my tastes. However, the editing is less haphazard than it often is with SyFy, and the music less generic, actually having a haunting tone. But the real improvements were with the characters and the acting. Instead of the underdeveloped, stereotypical characters we usually see, there is a noble and mostly successful attempt to give the characters some humanity and depth. The acting is often bland, overdone or non-existent, I also didn't find that to be the case here, the leads are especially likable. So all in all, definitely one of Syfy's more tolerable movies though it was still lacking. 5/10 Bethany Cox


I've seen a lot of SyFy channel produced crap and by "a lot", I mean.. A LOT!I know how bad they can get, I've seen the worst SyFy could do and you know what... "Android Apocalypse" may be the best they can do.We all know that when the SyFy channel makes a movie, it's either so bad it ends up being hilarious or it's so bad it makes you want to gouge your own eyes out with the TV remote. This movie, on the other hand, managed to be interesting, funny because it was supposed to be funny, have good acting, have overall good CGI and just be entertaining!There are the unavoidable flaws that every SyFy-movie has: 1) The crappy CGI. (As good as the overall CGI was, some parts... were really bad!) 2) The originality. (We've all seen this robots-revolting-against-humanity type of movie before)On the other hand, the acting! There is no other SyFy-movie that has actors that are this good! I'm not saying that ALL of them are perfect, but compared to "Annihilation Earth" they pretty much deserve an Oscar each and every one of them. My point is: Yes, it's not a great movie. But unlike about 98% of the SyFy-movies, this one will not make you feel like you've just wasted an hour and a half of your life. If you feel like you're the type of person that can appreciate or even enjoy a B-movie, then I definitely think that you should see it!


I think this had an interesting plot idea, kind of a mash-up of "The Defiant Ones" and "Terminator", but it had a lot of problems.First, the action was ridiculously slow. The CGI was cheap. The acting was horrible and the writing made not a lick of sense.The notion is that some kind of disaster has devastated the Earth, and the few humans live in domed cities where the androids do all the work. Except the Androids are slowly taking over, and a human is hooked up to an android Most inconstant part of the film, how the androids are portrayed. Some are pretty normal, others are badly channeling Brent Spiner from Star Trek:The Next Generation. None of them are terribly interesting.
