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Street Racer

Street Racer (2008)

May. 27,2008
| Action

Johnny Wayne (Clint Browning) is an ex-racer who is serving time in prison after crippling a young boy during an illegal street race. Wayne, having been traumatized by the events, vows to never race again, and is soon released as a reformed citizen. Later, he finds himself working at a scrap yard with his childhood friend Travis (Jack Goldenberg), but his probation officer is trying to blackmail him into illegal street racing. Even though Wayne attempts to restore his life and become an honest, hardworking member of society, he slowly finds himself being lured back into that world...


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Watching Street Racer with an open mind and fairly low expectations I still found the film to be terrible in all regards. You may think that considering it's The Asylum that you know it's going to be so, but at the same time you are curious to see if any of their movies are watchable. So far of the twenty or so I've seen(so far, yeah I know but there's something compulsive about the awfulness of these movies), none of them have been, and Street Racer is no exception. While not quite bottom 5- Alien Origin, Titanic II, 2010: Moby Dick, AVH: Alien vs. Hunter and Transmorphers- it is a contender for bottom 10. The lead actor Clint Browning actually tries his best and is decent, but the rest of the acting, especially from Connor Clayton, is awful, full of over-acting or phoning in. The characters and script do nothing in their favour this said, the characters are annoying cardboard cut-outs and the script is unbearably stilted and goes well overboard with the profanity. The story is blandly and predictably told, with a stupid death scene for the villain, characters, props and plot points cropping up and disappearing with no explanation and a very rushed ending. The races have no excitement or drive to them and are further disadvantaged by extremely amateurish editing and camera work. I couldn't even appreciate the car models, which didn't even look that expensive anyway, because of this. The music is nothing special coming across as generic and forgettable. Overall, a film about cars with nothing new or exciting. 1/10 Bethany Cox


First of all; Why put a 2009 Nissan GTR on the cover, when a MID 90s model was used in the film. The actors/actresses were horrible, I didn't even recognize any of them...perhaps they are all beginners!! The Cars used in this film were whacked, and the races were poorly put together. The races looked slow, and why the hell would you race a SCION XB(with hubcaps) and a old 5series BMW(looked plain). At least make the cars look beefed up, put some after-market rims on them. Everything just looked awful, and poorly directed. The story is just plain out weird and disorganized. I think that the only plus side to this movie, is the hot actress....But thats all I can say good about this film.....I would never recommend this film to anyone, unless they've never watched television before.....


Wow, i just happened to check out the movie Street Racer, and i must admit that i did not have very high expectations, but even these were not met. YOu only need a few words to sum up this movie: An awful Fast and Furious rip, cant they think up some new stories? And to top it off, it was so obvious from minute one what is gonna happen and how the movie will end. I don't even want to touch upon the fact that the acting could not have been any worse, some scenes were alright, but mostly crap. THe worst part has yet to come. THe actors were not only bad, but the plot and the actions that the actors took are more than idiotic and the end of the movie, made the impression that even the cast and the screenwriter, did not want to finish this well below average movie. Spoiler: THe antagonist got killed through an accident, unplanned and out of nowhere, thats how the story ends, and if i still haven't convinced you that this film is not viewable, then go ahead and watch, but don't forget to write a user comment. THis film deserves noones money and should establish the point that Hollywood movies have become more than just bad and repetitive, they have partly become a laughing stock. I mean how can they expect to copy older movies and get away with it. I miss a meaning and a morale and a movie with turns and twist that one can not see coming. Hope it helped ^^

Chris Mackey (guestar57)

STREET RACER www.theasylum.cc Starring : Dustin Fitzsimons & Clint Browning.This movie seems almost like a classic western scenario," The troubled bad guy makes a mistake and others have to pay his debt and after much effort he makes amends."The car chases are good, Some things called SHIFTERS (seem like souped up go-karts) are better .Couple of the actors stand out, Fitzsimons is exceptional-So real in part and journey man skills beyond his years.Character actors have always been the strength of ANY film, Robert Pike Daniel has a " Wilford Brimley" like panache to his craft, Wish I knew a mentor like him learning to drive. To sum up, STREET RACER besides its "Almost similar title" is a good time on DVD for end. fans of cars, racing and a REAL story that will having you cheering the hero and clapping at the villain in the
