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Newcastle (2008)

April. 25,2008
| Drama Romance

17-year old Jesse lives in the shadow of his older brother Victor's failure to become surfing's Next Big Thing. Even when he's in his natural habitat of magnificent surf breaks, his blue-collar future is brought home by the coal barges that constantly line his horizon. Jesse has the natural skills to surf his way out of this reality and onto the international circuit but can he overcome his equally natural ability to sabotage himself? A momentous weekend away with his mates that includes first love and tragedy leads him to discover what's really important, and also to the performance of a lifetime.


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PJ Castellaneta

This is a great film, make no mistake about it. Mr. Castle, the writer/director, uses a fusion of cinematic styles: French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, and classical Hollywood cinema, to create something truly original and consequential. His masterful integration of cinematography, editing, sound manipulation, and music track create a sense of memory, what it feels like to be a 17 year old, trying to figure out one's place in the world. Thus, I don't think this is a film for teenagers - all the chaos and noise and music and confusion and rage and elation and sexual discovery feel perfectly normal to them. It also lacks the idiotic vulgarity of most teen flicks or the reassuring confirmation of the norm that an "American Graffiti" or a John Hughes movie might offer. That's not to say that some mature teens and 20-somethings won't get the film, I just think an adult's perspective gives this film its punch.It's the little moments in which "Newcastle" absolutely soars, as when the six friends are speeding in their vehicle, radio blaring with their favorite song on, all of them joining in. It's like the real life version of that scene in "Wayne's World" when "Bohemian Rhapsody" comes on. What's captured on film is that feeling of youthful exuberance, of having your friends and being in that moment – even if ten minutes later you'll be at each other's throats for something ridiculous or mean-spirited.Stylistic choices aside, what makes this film great is the way in which its subject matter is considered. These young men are all on the verge of manhood, trying on different identities, struggling with who they are and what they will become. The naturalistic tension that arises from their competitive, testosterone-driven natures and the Bad Choices they continually make reminded me of the men who populate Scorcese's films or the troubled young men from "Saturday Night Fever." Their friendships have the potential to be lethal. As do the sibling rivalries and father-son relationships.And it's all performed with such ease and lack of pretense by the gifted, well-directed cast. I can sense this film's influence on the later, Oscar-nominated Australian film, "Animal Kingdom." So what's sad and shocking was how little critical attention this film received. One might speculate on the reasons for this: The (too?) subtle way in which it examines the issues of ambition and destiny? The unapologetic gay character who's neither a Monster, Martyr, nor Mary? Its usage of certain Hollywood elements? I don't know.What I do know is that this is a thoughtful, masterful piece of cinema that deserves to be seen.


This is one of the few movies that really leave me full of doubts whether I like it or not.It's about an angry teen boy, Jesse, who is a surf promise, and his difficult relationship with his two brothers. The older one, Victor, used to be a surf champion, but he had to quit and now he is a frustrated young man, who bullies his younger half-brothers. The other one is Fergus, he's Jesse's tween and he is gay. Around them there are a lot of other characters. All of them got some potential, but they are definitely too many. The parents are two good people who try to be there for their kids, but sometimes they just can't reach them. The grandfather is just adorable, wise, funny and comprehensive. And then there are Jesse's friends: Nathan, Andy and Scotty.Let's put it in his way, it is definitely enjoyable and pleasant, the cast is good-looking and the landscape awesome (dispite industrialization hang over the waves in each scene).Moreover, the characters and the story are quite catching and interesting, yet everything seems to be just skimmed. There are a too many characters, so none of them can get the depth he deserves. The same material used in a different way (maybe with a different format, like a TV series), may have lead to something much better.So, my suggestion is to watch the film if you are into this kind of staff, but do not expect too much, otherwise you'll be disappointed!


While I've seen some over-the-top homophobic comments of two 'reviewers'. This is not a "gay-themed" film. There's a small, but bright facet that is gay-themed.Family, sibling rivalry among brothers, loss, teenage high-jinx, and a lot of surfing overshadows the fact that one brother is gay. The few PG moments of sex are between two older teen boys and their girlfriends. If seeing a male butt, (in a non-sexual context), makes you squirm, you better stay away from a ton of "regular" movies and museums too.Anyway, "Newcastle" is the story of how a tragedy enables a family to overcome nagging internal tensions. There are no villains, just victims of their own fear and disappointment. The performances are all topnotch. A minus for US viewer: occasionally the Aussie accents are a little hard to understand.

Marc Munasque

I saw this at its second screening at the 2008 Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival in Honolulu.For me, a lot of movies only manage to engage me as a passive, casual observer--the proverbial fly on the wall. This film's extreme close-ups, tight shots and screen-filling POVs, both in and out of the water, drew me in and then ultimately carried me away--not unlike some riptide--into the world of surfers and surfing, a way of life that I only know on a very superficial level. (This is partly because I am terrified of the water, and the glaring irony of my moving to Hawaii from the US mainland so as to be completely surrounded by it isn't lost on me!) Just like how Scott Bakula's character must have felt in the sci-fi series "Quantum Leap" every time he time-traveled and ended up in someone else's body, I not only witnessed the unfolding of a story about a bunch of surfer kids...I actually became one of them. From the moment one of the surfer boys first opens his eyes in the morning. To his hearing waves breaking in the distance. To his paddling out into the salty, churning swell. To his jockeying for position--both literal and figurative ones--amongst his peers. For just a brief couple of hours of absolute clarity and certainty, I finally could understand the passions that drive my surfer friends, which at times can be dangerously all-consuming and, at other times, linger just below the surface--a gnawing, constant craving--quite similar to an itch you can't quite reach and/or satisfy.Excellent cinematography and soundtrack, especially for the surfing segments. Decent pacing and competent acting from a handsome ensemble cast. Combining those with generous helpings of humor, pathos and youthful indiscretions round out this coming of age narrative.
