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Captain Fantastic

Captain Fantastic (2016)

July. 08,2016
| Adventure Drama

Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a father devoted to raising his six kids with a rigorous physical and intellectual education is forced to leave his paradise and enter the world, beginning a journey that challenges his idea of what it means to be a parent.


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Kathleen Kennedy

It is crap. Crapola. Get this: it is not a sequel, it is not a prequel, it is not a remake, it is not a reboot and it is not even part of a universe. I hated it. No one will watch this. Vomit.


I'm not a communist, but I loved Captain Fantastic. It's important to start this review saying that I'm not a communist, just because the extremals capitalists would say that only communists love this movie. Who never was a teenager asking themselves the following: How I will care my children? It's inevitable to think that we will try to care them keeping away from drugs, premature sex and diseases, trying to educate them in a way that they turn into our friends and confidants. But it's not easy. While you're trying to explain to them some things about life, they are hearing another thousand things from TV, Internet and other things. It's something like trying to cover the sun with a transparent fabric. The movie shows us an alternative of a desperate parent, the isolation. Ben and his wife, Leslie, moved to a forest in a tentative of caring their children away from the capitalist way of life. They live quite well during long years, but her wife, that had a disease, starts to see her health state get worst. In a forest it's quite impossible to solve somethings and they decide to move her to a hospital at civilization. And that's the moment where the movie starts. Leslie stays away from home during, approximately, three months. While this, Ben kept a high level rigor to caring with their children on all activities. Their children looks like genius in all activities, they know everything about politics, they are athletes, they know how to take care of a plantation and they love and obey their father. Ben is always paying attention to what is happening and trying to give all of his attention to their children. They are real family, in all points of view. But when Ben receives the sad info that his wife is dead, some problems in their relationship with his children are exposed. That happens because his father-in-law doesn't approve their way of life and decides to put their children against their father. It's easy to see that this thing was only a disagreement, but the movie works to create empathy between us, the expectators, and them. You will really cheer to Ben! Without spoilers, I will jump directly to my point of view. I, as a future father, have million plans about how I would care my children. None of them consider change my personality. None of them is about be the same. None of them consider keep my sons in a prison. None of them will give too much freedom to them. Be a father is not something that you can plan. Is about show to your son what you learn in life and be inclusive. Your son doesn't needs to have his father on his side all the time. Your son needs to want you by his side all the time. And the only way of getting it, is being a partner. Ben, put his rigor at the side, is that to them. Specially because he is available all the time. He doesn't have a cellphone, a television or a hard job to share his attention. How much of your time are you dedicating to do things that you really like or even don't like with your children? Think about it.


Great story, great editing and tremendous Acting! Viggo at his best. A must watch! AND... a very *unique* ending. Matt is a brilliant Director and i gonna keep an eye on his next projects, cause this one was in my opinion a master piece!


Captain FantasticDespite of having a potential head start on its brilliant concept the feature relies upon the usual issues and properties of its genre and still surprisingly reaches to the place where the viewers may have been before but never experienced it like this before. Matt Ross's work is plausible as a director but its writing skills overpowers it and feels a bit unsatisfactory as it itself fails to justify it whilst projecting the anticipated vision on screen. The young actors are supporting convincingly but at the heart of it lies a genuinely moving performance carried off by Viggo Mortensen as a single parent trying to befriend and teach his kids. Captain Fantastic is aware of its eerie bubble created on script and hence spends its first half on setting the characters through it after which it shows its bright and poetic colours that paints this stunning craft.
