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The Wolfman

The Wolfman (2010)

February. 12,2010
| Drama Horror History Thriller

Lawrence Talbot, an American man on a visit to Victorian London to make amends with his estranged father, gets bitten by a werewolf and, after a moonlight transformation, leaves him with a savage hunger for flesh.


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I can't understand why people are so down on this film. I mean the cast alone is worth the time. Benicio is an excellent Lawrence Talbot, and Sir Anthony Hopkins in his best Hannibal Lecter style of villainy is spectacular . Plus the makeup by the legendary Rick Baker is second to none.


I expected this film to be horror, but no, it looks like it was directed by a music video director. The CGI really bothers me, especially the CG bear and moose, since they look incredibly fake. The fight between the two werewolves (father and son) is kind of corny and I really cannot take this movie seriously. It's funny how Lawrence kicks his father to a fireplace and his father's entire body gets on fire instantly.


The initial tableau: Lawrence's mother dies during his childhood in the village of Blackmoor. This traumatizes him; his wealthy father sends him to an asylum, then exiles him to New York. Years later, Gwen (Lawrence's brother's fiancée), finds him in New York and begs him to return to Blackmoor to aid in locating his missing brother. Back in England, Lawrence learns that his brother is dead from mauling by an animal. In this sad setting, Lawrence tries to renew his relationship with his estranged father, Sir John. This works to some degree, but Lawrence himself is bitten. He survives, which is unfortunate, as it turns out.Delineation of conflicts: Inspector Abberline wants to confine Lawrence as a threat to society. Reverend Fisk would like the unholy acts of the werewolf stopped. Dr Hoenneger wants to expose Lawrence to his professional colleagues as an insane man whose obsessions make him commit heinous acts, not some supernatural creature. Lawrence wants to stop the effects the full moon has on him. Gwen would like to help Lawrence, but it is not clear on just how to do that. Sir John has his own issues with Lawrence.Resolution: It's beautiful to behold, and horrible at the same time. The ending has considerable strength.


The werewolf tale has been done many times and in many different ways. I'm always intrigued by the liken/werewolf movie so it never gets old for me. I liked this rendition as well.What I was looking for: 1.) Plus CGI/special effects with the Wolfman. There was plenty of that in his transformation and his speedy movements.2.) A display of the Wolfman's strength and brutality. It is a werewolf movie after all. There must be sacrifices.3.) A halfway decent story. It didn't have to be great just serviceable and it was even better than I expected.To me, it was an above average werewolf movie. Bravo.
