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The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven (1960)

October. 12,1960
| Adventure Action Western

An oppressed Mexican peasant village hires seven gunfighters to help defend their homes.


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Miguel Neto

The Magnificent Seven is a classic Western movie, it really is a good movie, has a great cast, Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach, Horst Buchholz, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson and etc, the soundtrack is excellent, the script is based on the script The Seven Samurai of Kurosawa, is a Seven Samurai in the Western, has very similar premises, the photography is beautiful, and the action scenes are very good, the costumes are very good, and the rhythm is medium, The Magnificent Seven is A good movie, but would not enter my top 10 of western movies, but has a good cast and good action scenes, not to mention the great photography and good costumes. Note 7.5

Nicolas F. Costoglou

This movie surprised me, not only with it's quality, but also with the fact that this is a classic western which shows heroes who aren't THAT heroic. They are all cold-blood-killers, but they are also not just some cool looking hard anti-heroes who spill out one-liners and are perfect in everything they do... they are something, in between.The cast is incredible, never saw so many great actors from that era in one movie, and it was strange for me to see Yul Brynner as a "good guy", because i only knew him as a dysfunction killer-robot till now.The music is very catchy, and even people who don't know about the movie at all can hum it along.The cinematography is great, classic widescreen-western-glory the way it's supposed to be.And even the action is better than i expected.All in all, a very good, western.BUT i also saw the remake and have to at least say one thing: The character motivation in terms of the story (a village got overrun by a group of bandits and a citizen wants revenge because her husband was shot by the leader without mercy) is much more gripping as in this one...but that's just my opinion.This movie is great and a lot of fun, and it's worth watching for the incredible climax alone.


The Magnificent Seven is among some of the great classical western films, and i believe that it has well earned its title as a great classical western film. While Western movies aren't typically films that i love or watch frequently, i can truly say that after watching the film The Magnificent Seven that i enjoyed this film and liked how it was put together and played out. One thing that i enjoyed about this film in particular was the music that was playing, i thought that it was a very good choice and it complimented the film well. It seemed that throughout the duration of this film the background music seemed to fit the scenes very well and helped to get the audience into the film more. Another thing i enjoyed about this film was the stunning cast. They all had a great ability to portray their characters and the story line the film was trying to tell. I think that The Magnificent Seven was trying to give a great message in their film. The message that i believe the film was trying to get across is to care about your community and others in it. This message is very important and i believe that the film is trying to get this message across because of how the seven gunman help defend the small village while up against impossible odds. Overall i really enjoyed this film and thought it had a great message.


The Magnificent Seven is a 1960's western directed by John Sturges. It's a movie that I had heard of but knew little about before watching, and left me with mixed feelings. There are things that work, and the acting is (mostly) strong, but ultimately the film is dragged down by an agonisingly slow pace. This is 128 minute film which would probably work better if it were half that length. It takes the first 45 minutes before they have even recruited the seven (in a very Avengers Assemble-type-way), and then they go to protect a villain from plundering bandits. The issue is that the plot doesn't really develop from there. Director John Sturges focuses entirely on characterisation instead of genuine story development, so the end result is a film with great characters but a story that drags on and on, which passed its sell-by-date within the first hour. However the plus-side to this is that the film contains some genuinely good characters, who mostly manage to keep it entertaining, even when the pace drags it down. Yul Brynner as Chris Larabee Adams and the great Steve McQueen as Vin Tanner both offer great performances and characters - it is these two that keep the film afloat. The villain of the story, Calvera, played by Eli Wallach is somewhat average but at the same time the exact type of villain you would expect from this type of film, so in that way he serves his purpose. The casting is on- point and there are only a couple of weak performances, so on the whole there are few complaints there. Being a western about 1870's gunslingers and bandits, an audience would naturally assume that this would be a movie packed with action, but unfortunately this is no where near the case. There is virtually no trace of action within the first 70 minutes of the movie, and even after then, there are only two real shootouts, which, although they were well shot and entertaining in themselves, were far too infrequent. In a movie already dragged down by a very slow pace, a bit of action here and there would go a long way; but audiences are bound to be disappointed as they are instead forced to listen to endless monologues about not giving up and fighting to survive, yet ironically we barely see any of this. If you're looking for a movie that focuses mostly on characters instead of action or story, this will probably please you (although you'd be better off watching the 2015 Steve Jobs movie, which does a much better job of both characters and story), but if you're looking for an action-packed Western with a strong story, look away - you will not find that here. Still, the characters are certainly good, and the acting complements them, along with a great, Oscar-nominated soundtrack by Elmer Bernstein that all works together to make this a just-about-enjoyable movie that still, in 2016, has its strengths.
