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I Give It a Year

I Give It a Year (2013)

February. 10,2013
| Comedy Romance

After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation and incompatibility put their relationship in jeopardy.


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Antoine J. Bachmann

Rather boring and not funny.The story is boring with no surprises and ends exactly where you had guessed after a few minutes.The characters aren't credible. The acting is very average.The script desperately tries to be funny a la Foyr Weddings and a Funeral or similar, but pathetically fails. It tries to shock with some sex but fails so ridiculously it is sad. It tries to have THE big funny scene but it fails miserably. The acting is very average as if the actors were wondering why they ended up in that thing (we know they have done better elsewhere).It's not even particularly romantic: so not a "romantic comedy"I'm not sure why someone would want to watch this?

Saarah N

After having watched the trailer, I immediately knew this film would be worth procrastinating with and I was not wrong. Such comedy! The film centres in on the lives of a newly-wed, quite unlikely, couple. In their words, they only happen to be in 'love with the idea of being in love'. Their friends do not believe their shambles of a marriage will survive a year, it is quite obvious why that is. And what happens when the couple begin to see a 'better' option? The prospect of a life free of such misery? The film had me on my toes up until the very last minute, it didn't seem plausible one way or the other. But that's what love is: uncertain and unpredictable, of that I'm sure.So, of course, because they are a well-off, contemporary couple dealing with such issues, they consult a marriage counsellor. She invariably added a welcome spin on things-what, with her own disintegrating marriage and all. Why they stuck with her was quite stupid, possibly the only flaw in the film. It's like allowing a doctor with a notorious track record of killing his patients, inject you. Okay, maybe not quite as serious but you get my drift. The cast was brilliantly engaging, and Simon Baker ('prospective' love interest) was charming as always..After having watched The Mentalist religiously, I am quite a fan of his work. An entertaining watch, and a lucky find. Films which have you both, cooing and laughing hysterically are quite rare. In my final attempt to convince you to watch this, I'll mention that the leading couple have English accents, as do many of the other characters. Did that work, at all?


Sometimes when you wonder where comedy could possibly go from here, from this moment in time (I'm writing this review Sept. 6, 2014) (in the afternoon) along comes a movie like this that reaches out into new comedy ground and invites you to see it.This is an exhibition of modern art. Something new and fresh. One of the things that makes for great art is when an artist takes up an artistic theme that's already been covered many times by other artists but then presents the very same theme in a new way.Its hard to think up something new using the same tools other artists have used for years and years. Originality is a rarity and as such, when someone presents something new, it often creates impressions among those who view it which can vary greatly.This movie moves comedy down the road a bit. It takes risks that other movies simply haven't taken before. Not in this way.One could look here and see nothing new at all. They could comment that there's nothing new here to see.Another could look at this and find it confusing. They're not sure if its good or bad and so they pry it apart - looking at it in pieces instead of as a whole. Their comments about it could seem disjointed if they can't fully see whats going on further down the road.I see this movie as a familiar theme presented in a new way. A new way of making you laugh. Which is really really hard for a new work of art to do.I found it fresh and stimulating. And hilarious. I laughed my way through it, from beginning to end. And I was disappointed when it ended cause I didn't want to have to leave these new screen friends, just yet. Cause where could I ever find them again? I'm not sure I could have laughed so loud and so often if I wasn't as old as I am. This is an adult comedy. What makes it so great an art piece too is that it offers not just one, but at least two different and distinct meanings to the phrase "adult comedy", one of which is entirely new.New modern art right here. Worth looking at. Look again.Enjoy.

Michelle Harrison

I really didn't enjoy this.I couldn't even get through the first 30 minutes without getting so bored I'd rather clean my damn house. (and oh, how I hate cleaning my house) I almost fell asleep even though it was 3 in the afternoon when I was watching.I don't really mind if a movie is not that funny, as long as there's a good story in it. Something fun, or heartwarming would have been nice. Or at least something happening, not just some scenes from the daily grind. But the first 30 minutes didn't give me any reason to believe there was even a story at all, let alone it being a good one.I'm not saying, don't go watch this. I'm just saying if you don't like being bored to death, it would be a waste of your time! ;)
