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Locke (2014)

April. 25,2014
| Drama Thriller

Ivan Locke has worked hard to craft a good life for himself. Tonight, that life will collapse around him. On the eve of the biggest challenge of his career, Ivan receives a phone call that sets in motion a series of events that will unravel his family, job, and soul.


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This movie was horrible I love Tom Hardy. And that's the only thing keeping me watching.. this reminded me of "Buried" or "Phone Booth" the worst concepts for a movie is to be stationery like the hole movie in a coffin or a phone booth or a car.


Ivan Locke is a construction manager who abandons a major project (and his family) to be there for a woman at the birth of his illegitimate child from an affair. They portrayed the main character as a responsible "good guy" who had made a mistake and was trying to do his best to make things right. His stubborn insistence on doing the "right" thing cost him his job, and likely his family. Tom Hardy is the only actor on screen, the entire movie taking place in his car, the dialogue being real-time phone conversations about construction and sportsball and family wreckin' stuff. Neither the writing nor the acting was good enough to support the concept. Why didn't he tell his wife earlier? Why didn't he prioritize the wife and two children he already had while figuring out how to be a father to this new baby? His car trip was only a few hours, why didn't he just drive back to work the next day? Why was he ironing out major details of the biggest job of his career the night before? I worked as a construction manager for many years, and the dialogue about his job sounds absolutely idiotic. I suppose it might slide by anyone who hasn't spent time in construction, but it was a distraction for me and also indicative of the other flaws in the writing. The moral ambiguity and question as to whether he was a responsible person or absolute moron is what made the film interesting and kept me watching to the end, but I would really like those two hours of my life back now. Here's the real spoiler: Ivan Locke is a douche. The kind of douche who ignores the feelings of everyone around him because he insists he knows what's right. The kind of self-obsessed douche who talks on his phone while driving on the freeway because he believes everything is all about him. kept hoping there'd be a surprise ending where he was pouring his heart out to his wife making some real progress towards personal growth and BAM! Killed by an 18 wheeler because he should've been driving instead of talking on the phone. That would've been an interesting twist but alas, no. The final disappointment this film had to offer me wastjat in the end he just goes on being a douche.


I liked the story. Tom hardy played a character that was an emotionally detached a$$. But could not help feeling sorry for. The film gets a passing grade ( Barely) but I think It would have been better if it were 30 to 45 minutes instead of a feature film


For me this film is one of the major tests to see whether you are a true Tom Hardy fan. Hardy offers one of the best performances of his career in this film despite the fact that he plays a man that is simply driving his car and making and receiving phone calls. The film relies on Hardy's ability to carry the movie through its 85 minute run time and he succeeds. He perfectly captures the internal struggle of a man trying to make amends for a problem he caused. The supporting cast despite being voice roles are also good. The phone calls which are at the heart of the films plot feel real and there is never a point where you think that these are being acted.The only gripe with this film is that it's simplistic plot layout of Locke going from one phone conversation to the other can feel tedious to some viewers and the films ending while a suitable conclusion for the plot can leave people wanting more of a resolution to Locke's story.
