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Clip (2013)

March. 15,2013
| Drama

Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and tenderness in a harsh environment.


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Don't spend time on this movie, it is depressingly depressing and leads to nothing. It is about adolescents without future in a derelict suburb in Serbia. These young people apparently were not guided in there change-over from child-play to sex-driven behavior, they are now at. They show no restraint at all. The film ends how it started, it is an empty container. There is another reason why this movie is to be avoided. If a character is sad, the actor needs not to be, he acts as if he is said. If character is happy, the actor acts as if he is happy, he needs not to be. If a character has sex, the actor acts as if he has sex. You feel where this went wrong. The actors, minors, indulge way to much in sex, explicit sex. And although the credits say prosthetics where used, it is obvious this movie crossed the line between a play and pornography. And that is more than sad, considering that the leading part is played by a girl of only 14 years old. You could just as well say this movie borders on child abuse.

Alucard Venom

What can we say about this movie? From a country that was huge cinema- titan back in the day (60s-70s) Serbian cinema is reduced to this?Majority of this movie is pretty bad. First of all, it's really boring. 100 min movie tend to drag itself and it looked like it was 5h long. There's no plot. My apologies to director\writer of this movie, but you're not a "smart" writer if you leave plot shallow as this one and just decide to throw in bunch of explicit sex scene to shock your audiences. All it does is make your "story" more shallow. There's no real message in this movie except "teen girls of modern Serbia are idiots".Next, we come to settings. There are like two sets in this flick. Girls house, and one other building that was used pretty much for everything (School, hospital, classroom, other girls\guys apartments). I swear, I lost track of time and space watching this movie. Every set looks way to similar. Characters: None of the characters are interesting. They are all pretty shallow and undeveloped. Director tried to make some sympathies for lead character buy throwing (unnecessary) subplot of girl's sick father, but everything pretty much falls on it's back since by the time that happens (somewhere at the end of the movie), lead character pretty much ruins every part of her life that you have zero sympathies for her and you really don't care what happens to her next. on the positive side, acting was surprisingly good for bunch of unknown actors\actresses. Lead actress Isidora Simijonovic was pretty good, it's not her problem that script and the other aspects of the movie are horrible. She did a descent job for a unknown actress and some scenes would be even worse if it wasn't for her acting skills. She's also pretty (which is never a bad thing). Support cast of older actors are also good. Sadly, we would probably never heard of her again, which is a shame.Some direction and editing were nicely spliced. There's noting outstanding, but basic textbook direction was fine. Now, the scenes themselves are not very interesting. Clips from girl's life are not very interesting and sex scenes themselves were not all that shocking at all (they were just explicit in terms of what's seen on screen, porn-like).In the end, sadly, it's just another one of "sh(l)ock" movies from Serbia. my main question is, how the heck did this got financed by Serbian Ministry of Culture? Did they even read a script? Maybe it was connection that worked behind the scenes, who knows?


I saw this at the Munich Film Festival and was very affected by it. It is not a perfect film -- others have already mentioned the clichés--but the overall effect was very powerful. The main actress was brilliant as well as beautiful as the disturbed 14 year old and I predict she will be a future star.The director had some interesting things to say during the Q and A session afterwards. Commenting on the explicit sex scenes she said that it was realistic and that teens nowadays were having more and more extreme sex as a direct result of porn. "I guarantee teens here have seen double and quadruple penetrations online!""Enjoy" is the wrong word for the experience once has when watching this but it is a film that should be watched by parents and teens everywhere.Is this the kind of nihilistic world we are leaving for our future generations? As a side note--I am sure this film will be banned in many countries (which is a pity) as it could be seen, by the more conservative, as child pornography.


The message of Klip/Clip is straightforward: Today's youths are growing up into the world of violence, promiscuity, alcohol and drugs. However, if you ignore the shock value of explicit sex scenes there's not much left to talk about. Every possible cliché has been pulled out: Unleashed neglected kids are in the limelight, their struggling wimp parents and incompetent teachers being somewhat marginalized.Klip/Clip adopts the aesthetics of a documentary in an attempt to amplify the message and presumably to reduce production costs. The result resembles director's cut of a random reality show with some outrageous extra footage not suitable for airing on TV. This is still not bad in itself, but the social commentary stays at tabloid newspaper level: An impotent mirror image of a society gone wild. As if the authors' craved the attention and forgot about the plot and its importance.The cast had much more potential than seen on the screen. Just as an example, the main male protagonist is a rapper with considerable credibility in Serbian hip-hop circles. His role depicts rather literally what his songs are about. I expected more than the obvious in this case, especially since according to media appearance he is not a thug but his alter ego is more of a stage persona.
