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Saw IV

Saw IV (2007)

October. 26,2007
| Horror Thriller Crime

Despite Jigsaw's death, and in order to save the lives of two of his colleagues, Lieutenant Rigg is forced to take part in a new game, which promises to test him to the limit.


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Eric Stevenson

I might have been too kind to "Saw III" but keep in mind that I won't be like that to this movie. The part I found to be strongest in the previous movie was Jeff having to go find his daughter. In this movie, he's eventually shown dying so the whole thing was pointless. That movie had two stories that connected but this one seems just a mess. Not even Jigsaw dying could stop the series. He's still credited as the main character!He appears through a ton of flashbacks. It does just seem like this movie was made for no reason other than to show more gore. Like my friend and mom said, there's enough bad stuff in the real world that we don't have to contribute to it. I admit the premise is still pretty good and the series is fairly creative, but it's just not rewarding. They should have probably just ended this after the third. Tobin Bell's a pretty good actor though. **


SAW IV is the least memorable saw movie, and you won't like it. It's not boring, it just doesn't have anything to separate it from the others, and when I think about it, I can't remember anything that happens. For positives, this is the first saw movie where things started to get really weird and convoluted, and its definitely worth watching for that reason. I don't know. The ice block thing is creative, but I keep thinking that's from the third one because it has three people in it. The twist is really stupid. I guess that's a spoiler. Darren Lynn Bousman is a bad director. I guess I'll mark this for spoilers. You like it when I doo that, don't you. 3 stars.


"Saw IV" concentrates on two story lines: what truly motivated Jigsaw (played by Tobin Bell) into putting people into traps; and a cop (played by Lyriq Bent) being tested by Bell to see how far Bent's obsession will go regarding Bent's need to save everyone. While the former is interesting and well played, the latter was forced, with Bent doing many things that were out of character despite the screenwriters trying to justify it with Bent's emotional problems.More bloody, heinous traps; more gruesome deaths of victims; more plot twists; more revelations; more mini cassettes with Bell's altered voice; more frenetic editing and transitions that move the story along rapidly…all leading to more reasons for fans of this series to squirm and laugh and gasp and enjoy the morbid nature of these stories.My most memorable, movie moment of "Saw IV" is the very detailed, disgusting, and fascinating autopsy scene. Unless you have a very strong stomach, this is not the time to be eating your hot dogs or chips and salsa.Four movies in, and the "Saw" movies still have lots of steam. How far can it go before going stale? I shall find out soon because I'll be checking out part V.Mannysmemorablemoviemoments

Alex Pezzano

When Saw III ended, we all thought it was over. Jigsaw's dead, Amanda's dead, Lynn's head exploded and Jeff was left in the room to rot.What an conclusive trilogy!Then Saw IV was announced and I said "Oh god why?". Saw IV was a pointless cash grab, an awful stain to the series, useless and pathetic. The story consist's of Officer Rigg, who was only a minor character we never cared about in II and III. He is being tested because he... Runs through doors.He also can't forget about saving everyone and won't give up trying to find Detective Matthews. So he is tested and has to save Matthews, Detective Hoffman and some guy Jigsaw met. There is also a second plot where Jill (Jigsaw's wife) is being interrogated by a hot head called Peter Strahm and we get to learn Jigsaw's origins, which is the only part of the movie I enjoyed.Overall the trap's sucked, the story was pointless and it was an obvious cash grab. However Tobin Bell will forever be a great and entertaining actor.So I'm giving the movie 2/10 jigsaw autopsies.
